Chapter - 2 :

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Chapter 2:

“you ready for today girl!” Natalia squealed when I opened the passenger door.

“No.” I groaned. Do you want to know what she is talking about? Probably not, but I’m going to tell you anyway…

She and the ‘other’ girls are so, so, so, so, so, so, you got the point excited meeting our ‘new teacher’, yeah but obviously I’m not. Natalia instantly glared at me; if looks could kill I would be five feet underground.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” I said dramatically with raising my hands in mock surrender.

“Ha ha, very funny.” She mocked me back.

We drove quietly after that, and Natalia parked her car in the school parking lot. She got up very quickly, fixing her hair and making her way to the school’s gate, and no she wasn’t walking if you know what I mean.

“Hey! Wait for me.” I shouted at her and she instantly stopped, like she forgot I even exist.

“Oh, sorry. I forgot about you.” I glared at her, but she smiled sheepishly. “Oops?” I rolled my eyes at her, as we made our way to our lockers.

I hear whispering all around me when I opened my locker to grab my books for my first period. “Why everyone is whispering? What’s going on?” I turned around to face Natalia, and with no any surprise she is whispering with Emily.

“Emily said that some students saw our substitute teacher when he first walked in, but they are not sure if that’s him or someone else, but they say he is HOT!” Natalia and Emily squealed together and jumped happily.

I sighed, I can’t believe them, sometimes I really don’t understand girls and I’m a girl myself! I swear sometimes I feel like I’m an alien or something. Hope not though. Someone grabbed my arm when I took few steps forward; I turned around to see who it is.

“What Natalia?” I sighed, and crossed my arms over my chest.

“Where are you going without us?” she pouted.

“I’m going to class, duh.” I rolled my eyes, and grabbed her and Emily’s arm as I sprinted to our first period. We sat on our usual seats, which was in the middle of the class. Suddenly we heard a squeal coming from the door. The three of us turned our heads to the door, checking what’s going on.

“That’s our new teacher, He’s here, he’s HERE!” Sally one of our classmates screamed and all the other girls around her screamed. Jeez, they are being so dramatic; He’s only a teacher, not a freaking superstar! I mean he is not Tom Cruise for sure.

“No-way! No freaking way!” Natalia and Emily screamed in unison. God, my ears!

Suddenly, a tall lean man walked through the door. I dropped my mouth and my eyes were bulging out of their sockets. He was hot! Now I see why all the girls were drooling over him. I don’t blame them this time; they have all the right to drool over him. He’s perfect. Ok I’m overreacting now, but he is seriously hot, sexy, beautiful and handsome…

He went straight to the teacher’s desk, and leaned over it. He looked perfect with his ocean blue eyes, and that soft brown hair of his that I want so bad to brush my fingers between them. I mentally slapped myself, what the hell am I thinking?

“Hello, I’m your new substitute teacher.” He smiled at me showing his perfect white teeth. All the girls squealed in delight, while I just nodded my head in acknowledgment.

“You’re early I see,” I mumbled under my breath.

“Why yes, it’s my first day. It’s not professional to be late so I decided to come early.” He chuckled clearly amused by my reaction. I blushed, how the hell did he hear me? I thought I was quiet enough! Damn him. I embarrassed myself already!

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