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A long time ago, when the sea was first created, two sisters were born.

They could be seen as lovely maids, but that identity was deceiving. For they were not only women; they were the daughters of Oceanus.

They were mermaids.

The first sister went by the name of Marianna, and she was quite fair. She was the guardian of the oceans, and did her job well.

The second was named Syrena. She, too, was a guardian, but she longed to be somewhere else and sometimes forgot about her job, and was often caught daydreaming.

The King wanted to discipline his daughter to do her job well, and one day, a ship that was forbidden to sail upon those waters returned to sail there once again. Thinking this was a magnificent opportunity to see how his daughter would handle the situation, the King hid and watched Syrena as she discovered the vessel.

Syrena surfaced to tell the crew of the ship to leave the area. But her voice was so lovely that the sailors listened not to her warning, instead they were entranced by the sweet sound of Syrena's call. They all sought out to follow the noise, but since the mermaid was in the water, the sailors all dropped from the deck into the murky depths below.

Horrified, Syrena tried to save all of the men (for even though they were trespassers, Syrena believed they should live) , but to no avail. There were too many, and she was only one.

Syrena was ashamed that she could not save them from Davy Jones' Locker, and was saddened greatly. But Oceanus had other ideas. He thought that he could use the young mermaid's voice as a weapon, as it had entranced the sailors quickly and completely. This was even better than two guardians! He now also had a defender.

But when he suggested that idea to Syrena, she would have nothing to do with it. She already felt like a monster, what with entrancing those sailors and all, but she couldn't do it purposefully. But her father said that she must let him use her voice, or she would be banished.

Syrena sought out her sister, Marianna, and told her of what she was to do. Marianna was outraged, and together they conspired a plan that would relieve Syrena of her musical voice.

Thus, Syrena and Marianna used an ancient spell, now long forgotten over the generations. The spell is a very rare magic, only used by the merfolk of old. It allows one to take another's voice, and trap it in an object of choice.

The two mermaid sisters trapped Syrena's voice inside a conch shell, so that it could be used by no one, not even herself. Then, they shattered it, scattering the fragments throughout the oceans and seas of the world.

It is said that if a human finds one and touches it, they will harness a bit of Syrena's power, and will become one of the sisters' kind if they touch salt water.

My name is Coralie White, and I am one of those few people who have found a fragment of Syrena's Conch. I have a tale to tell, about the mysteries of the deep.

Pay close attention, as the secrets I have kept for years will finally be told.

Feel free to get lost in the current, but don't sink.

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