(Creds to who made this awesome picture. Got it off weheartit)
Ok,the picture above made me laugh so hard. I'm still shocked about this whole thing,myself actually. I haven't seen the interview yet but apparently some important things went down in the interview. So,if I'm correct,Louis "confirmed" the baby rumor was true by saying "it's an exciting time" or something like that. Now you're probably wondering how I know that if I didn't watch the interview yet,me and vine are good friends so yeah. But my opinion about the baby is,if it's real then I will always support him and I'm very happy for him and if it's not then maybe Larry still has a chance and it was probably just a stunt anyways. But nobody knows except Louis,Briana,The Boys,God,and Simon maybe. And for all of the people saying they hope briana has a miscarriage,do you even realize what your wishing upon somebody? Do you know how much pain she would be in if she's even pregnant? Do you know she could fall into depression over losing her child? Her own flesh and blood? That is sick that you would wish that upon someone just because you don't like them or you want Larry to be real. That is sick and you need help. That's all I have to say and congrats to Lou and Briana if the rumor is real.
I rest my case.
Til next time pandeguin babezzzzzzzzz

Rant Book
RandomI just wanted to make one because there are a lot of things that I wanted to express my feelings about. This book will be completely stupid and funny to me. Some of the topics will be irrelevant but meaningful to me.