Year 1, Part 1

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There was nothing more terrifying than having Vince run at you at full speed whilst playing his quads furiously. Rowan screamed and dashed around the corner of the bus, leaving no time to stop before she fell over Thomas's leg. She tripped, tumbling down onto the concrete. When she got up, a small crowd had gathered. This wasn't perhaps the best way to get ready for a football game, but Rowan had to make the best of it. "I guess I can't help falling for you, Thomas" Rowan attempted to steer the attention away from her fall. The crowd gave a chuckle then dispersed.

Missy, Rowan's friend who was a grade older yet a few years older than she was, ran up to help her. She was surprisingly even more insane than Rowan, but could activate the kill switch almost any time she wanted. She had suggested the idea to start a YouTube channel the day before with vlogs of each football game, and Rowan thought that it was an awesome idea so she brought her video camera. They both decided it should include more people, so that's when Sarah and Leah were brought into the group, and The Mighty Eggplants of Justice was born.

At football games Rowan would film almost everyone (which wasn't too difficult since there were less than twenty members) in the band having fun in the stands. They were, at the time, a pep band since there weren't enough people to have a marching band. 

Thomas's girlfriend, Katherine, was always super nice to the Eggplants, leaving her as a main target for filming along with her friend, Maia. The older boys, however, were not too keen on being filmed. The Eggplants named the rude older boys The Pineapples, and their timeless feud began.

The most violent Pineapple, Vince, became more and more evil. His demonic personality radiated off of him at any given time and he regularly beat up chairs just to get out the excess anger.

Darrell, the redneck of the Pineapples, played the barry sax and was generally fun-loving, but rudely ignored Rowan and her friends when they attempted to make conversation.

The last Pineapple, Dalton, was quiet, solemn, and always did everything Darrell did, including choosing the same instrument Darrell played. The Eggplants didn't know his name because he never spoke and no one called him, so they called him Phil. He looked like a Phil.

There were those, however, that neither fit into the Eggplants nor the Pineapples, and those were named the Land Lovers. The Land Lovers were like the Switzerland of the band. They were still a good group, but they didn't pick a side in the Eggplant/Pineapple feud.

Katherine, the nicest of the Land Lovers, was the drum captain. She loved her boyfriend Thomas more than she could possibly say, and spent almost every minute with him.

Maia, the only other girl in the Land Lovers, was controlling and rude, yet oddly likable. She played trombone with her sister, Sarah, who did color guard that year and was also in the Eggplants.

Thomas was the subtly hilarious one in the group. He lit up the room with his presence and knew how to make everyone smile. He enjoyed playing the same song over and over again on his alto sax, which some of the band liked to take part in. 

Chase, being the kind of person he is, didn't want to be in a group. He was distant but not unapproachable. The band director, Mr. Carter, praised Chase for his talent on the clarinet, though Rowan was always pretty jealous of that attention that she believed should go to her.

Last but not least, there was Austin. He was intimidating and creepy at times, but once you got to know him he would almost be at Thomas-level. He was the best bass drummer the school had ever seen and he knew it.

The best group yet to be delved into is of course The Mighty Eggplants of Justice.

Rowan, the leader, played mellophone and tried her best to have the greatest possible time in band. She always had good intentions for her group, though nothing she ever did turned out right.

The other founder of the Eggplants was Missy. Since she didn't have much confidence, she played her clarinet softly in the stands. She followed Rowan and the rest of the Eggplants around, making her one of the two main people in the vlogs.

Sarah, the sister of Maia, was loud, happy, and tried to make everyone as happy as her. She came off as a little obnoxious to the Pineapples, but they couldn't help but laugh if she told a joke in class.

The last original member was one who did not speak much, and that was Leah. She was tiny, blonde, and shy, so of course she played piccolo. She stuck with Rowan and the rest of the Eggplants but tried to stay out of the vlogs.

With the people gone, Rowan strode over to Leah and Sarah. This was an away game, so they were super excited. They released their excess energy by seeing how many of them could fit in a single locker. To their surprise, quite a few.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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