Little People

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And so the mighty Patrick raised his golden staff and spoketh unto the monstrous snakes "begone foul creatures and trouble the realms of the earthmen no more, thus speaketh a servant of the lord" and the monsters did writhe in agony at the power of his voice and staff and were banished from the realms of the earthmen - the book of Ecchi  10:5

"Squad 7, I need a report on the mission in the southern quadrant" the words crackled through the earpiece of the day's squad 7 Commander causing him to grit his teeth slightly glancing back at the other 4 members of his squad "Nothing to report General, all's good,target in sight" before tapping the mute button on the side of his earpiece, nothing but a direct communication from command would bother him now, or so he thought. 

"So Ryan when are you planning on telling the General that we lost our target?" came the mischievous voice of one of the squad members behind him. He turned brushing a hand through his short black hair to momentarily hide his emerald eyes from his squad as he frowned, he looked to the source of the voice, a short-ish girl with long brown hair almost to her waist, her piercing blue eyes found his with a twinkle as she smirked at him. "I wont have to if you shut your trap and get back to scanning for him Sophie".The rest of the squad chuckled at their commander and Ryan turned to face them all, there was Sam taller than the normal recon scout with fiery red hair and grey eyes, Rhys about the same height as Ryan with long blonde hair and the same blue eyes that identified him as Sophie's brother and then there was Kate grinning  enough to show her teeth below her hazel eyes and  jet black hair that hung just below her shoulders. "And you guys back to your positions if we don't find this snake and soon the general will have our asses " The squad saluted him half out of respect for him half in mockery and returned to sweeping their eyes across the site around them and glancing at the monitor bands on their wrists.

The squad moved in silence hidden by the surrounding shrubbery and once again Ryan thanked God for the benefit of being short enough to hide , being brought back from the dead did have some perks. Before he could dwell on those perks for too long a vibration raced up his wrist and he glanced at his monitor band quickly, a small red dot had appeared on it and was moving steadily towards them "squad target is north-west closing quickly arm up" he gave the command in a low but firm voice and the squad dropped their joviality adapting quickly into battle ready positions each drawing their shillelagh a thin black rod topped with gold. Ryan steadied his breathing checking his left wrist for the gold bracelet he wore there his eyes relaxing as he saw it was still fully gold. A rustle just in front of him was his only warning as a large shape suddenly barrelled into him knocking him to the ground, cursing himself for not paying more attention to the monitor Ryan pushed upwards with all his strength sending the figure flying up and off him, abandoning subtlety he began issuing orders as he rose to his feet"Sophie,Sam,Kate ready to fire at my command Rhys get high keep an eye on us " his squad acted Rhys kicking of from the floor hovering a few feet above them almost invisible in the night except for a slight gold glow on his wrist, the others levelled their shillelaghs at the figure as it rose. Ryan looked at the creature assessing it quickly, it stood at around 5'7 which was more than a foot taller than even Sam its muscular body towering over them, its skin was a dark grey with small scales around the corners of its mouth and eyes, its eyes glowed a soft purple but it was its fangs  that worried Ryan the most easily 3 inches long and razor sharp used to tear and bite. This assessment took Ryan a mere second which was lucky as the creature attacked again making a guttural noise halfway between a growl and a hiss as it swung a heavy fist at him, but this time Ryan was ready he braced himself blocking the attack with his forearm as he landed a solid punch to the creatures midriff with his other hand,he jumped quickly slamming a knee into the creatures jaw with a satisfying crack ,the creature staggered backwards nursing its jaw before glaring at him and again making that noise. This time it moved faster than Ryan could comprehend ,the euphoria of his first blow still clinging to him and he gasped as he felt sharp claws slice his face.He flinched in pain and quickly retaliated rage fuelling him as he attacked the creature with a flurry of blows, the creature blocked most of the initial attacks but the smaller Ryan moved too quickly for him to block them all  after taking a particularly strong punch to the sternum the creature staggered again. "FIRE" yelled Ryan leaping up into the air as a triple barrage of shimmering green light exploded for the golden tips of the other scouts shillelaghs, Ryan twisted in the air in time to see the light collide with the creature causing it to drop to the ground unconscious just as Ryan landed his somersault. " looks like a level 3 standard snake but I've never seen one with purple eyes before, we'll have to show it to Teach when we get back to base, speaking of Teach you'd best see him as well those scratches look pretty nasty" she said raising an eyebrow in concern at her commander. "I'm fine don't worry" he answered smiling "lets bag him and report back OK?" the squad nodded their ascent and Sam moved in to lift the snake over his shoulder with a grunt before the squad set of to return to base.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2017 ⏰

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