Chapter 1: Meet Taylor Swift

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"He's such a jerk, Abby!!!!!!" I spoke through the tears. "Why did I even fall for him?!?!?!"

"Love is blind, Tay. Hate to say it, but it's true.", my friend, Abigail, replied.

"I know that, but I wish he had never walked into my life. NEVER!!!!!!!!!!" The mascara started running down my cheek. "God!!!!!!!!! I'm stupid!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"YOU'RE NOT STUPID, TAYLOR!!!!!!!!!! HE IS!!!!!!!!!!!" Abigail, frustrated, spoke. "He doesn't deserve a beautiful, smart, talented and, most of all, SPECTACULAR, girl like you!!!!!!! Don't give up on love just yet."

"Too late.", I sadly replied.

"What do you mean 'Too late'?"

"I've given up on love FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!! AND YOU CAN'T CHANGE MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!! NO ONE CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh, Tay.", Abby sadly said.

I could distinctly hear sobbing from the other line of the phone.

"Don't be like me and give up. Mr. Right is out there. You'll see."

"Fat chance. When me and that dumb British bonehead Harry Styles broke up, I finally realized that there is no happy ending for me. None!"

Abby didn't say a word. All I heard was sobbing.

"I better let you go. Bye, Abby."

"Bye, Tay-Tay."

I hung up and flopped on my bed. Thoughts kept running through my head, like:

Why did I even fall for him? Why couldn't I have known he was trouble? I just give up on love. I thought I was finally clean. But since I found out he was dating yet another girl, I was scarred to the max.

I just wish he would've stayed the heck out of my life. FOR GOOD!!!!!!!!!!

God do I hate him!!!!!!!! I wish his new girlfriend would do what he did to me!!!!!!!!!! That would be sweet, sweet revenge!!!!!!!

I went to the bathroom and looked at myself sadly in the mirror, my face red from crying and mascara dripping off my face. Then I mumbled:

"Look at yourself, Swift. Just look at you!!!!!!!!!! You are one sorry sap and you need to STOP!!!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!!!!! IS HE CRYING OVER YOU?!?!?! IS HE MISSING YOU SO MUCH HE CALLS YOU OR TEXTS YOU OR KEEPS IN CONTACT WITH YOU?!?!?! HMM?!?!?! NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE'S WITH THAT TRAMP OF A GIRLFRIEND SARAH!!!!!!!!!!! HE LET A GOOD THING GO!!!!!!!!!!! NOW CLEAN YOURSELF UP, CALL UP YOUR FRIENDS AND HAVE A GRAND OL' TIME!!!!!!!!! AND DON'T EVEN THINK ABOUT HIM!!!!!!!!!!!"

And so I did. I grabbed a washcloth, washed my face, reapplied my makeup, slipped into a black dress with black satin sleeves and black high heels, grabbed the phone, and called up Ellie Goulding, my other friend. I heard it ring and ring and ring. Until I heard a pleasant voice:

"Hello. This is Ellie Goulding speaking."

I replied:

"Hi, Ellie. It's Taylor."

"Tay-Tay!!!!!!!!!!! How's it going girl?"

"OK. Just need to be with my friends for a while ever since......"

I paused.

"Ever since..........."

"Ever since that Styles kid broke up with you?"


"OK. Looking for love?"

"Not right now." I sigh.

The wheels in Ellie's head were turning. I could tell by her saying:


"Now, Ellie. Don't you even DARE try to hook me up with anymore guys!"

"Oh I won't." I could hear her chuckle.

I just rolled my eyes.

Oi, I thought to myself. Just what I need: being set up by my best friend to date a complete stranger, possibly a LOSER!!!!!!!!! Just go with it, Tay. Just for laughs.

"I know you won't." I chuckled too.

"OK, Tay. Where shall we meet?"

"Hmm. How about Times Square? At that little cafe across from there?"

"OK, Tay. How long will you be?"

"Since I'm ready, how about 10 minutes?"

"Sounds good to me. Later, Tay."


I hung up, grabbed my purse, hailed a cab, and left, soon to leave my past behind.


I soon arrived at the cafe, waiting for Ellie. First 5 minutes passed, then 10, then 15. I grew tired until I had seen Ellie, wearing a red sun dress and red high heels, coming through the door.

I see her smiling.

I thought to myself:

Alright, Tay. Let's see what loser she wants you to hook up with.

And all of a sudden, right behind her, was a tall, dishwater blonde guy with beautiful blue eyes and a beautiful smile, dressed in black shirt, pants, shoes and jacket.

Man, I thought. What a very handsome guy.

But one question remained:

Does he like me?

-To Be Continued-

A/N: 100+ VIEWS?!?! OMG!!!!!!!! Thank you guys SO much!!!!!!!! I can see you guys like this chapter!!!!!!!! More chapters coming soon!!!!!!!!!!

A/N: 200+ VIEWS?!?!?! WOW!!!!!!  This is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!! And this was my 1st chapter!!!! Wow!!!!!!!!! TYSM!!!!!!!!! <3 you guys!!!!!!!!!!

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