College E

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Mia's POV

Getting shot isn't fun. The first time wasn't to bad because it was only a graze and it was my arm. But getting shot in the stomach, twice, at close range was the worst feeling I have ever had. I remember a lot from right after. After my mother pulled the trigger it felt like my stomach was burning. When I looked down and saw the blood, I truly thought I was going to die. After I hit the floor things started to get blurry. I remember the one of the officers came into the room and kicked the gun out of her hand and another covered me as I'm bleeding on the floor. Right after the EMT loaded me into the ambulance I was out.

All I could keep thinking about was Demi. How I needed to pull through this because if I didn't I knew that she won't be strong enough to face this world alone . That stuck with me until I woke up in the hospital and saw her face. The first three days in the hospital I was in and out due to the drugs. I didn't really start to come to my senses until the fourth day. They dialed the drugs back a bit but just kept me on heavy antibiotics.

Even though Demi is supposed to be on tour she stayed with me. I told her a few times she can go, that she doesn't have to be her, but she stayed. I think it's because I freaked her out too much. She probably wanted to know where I am going all the time now because of what happened. Well it also helps that my mother is the last of my known family, so no more sick and twisted family reunions for me.

On Wednesday of the week we came home Demi left to finish her tour. Sara and Simon along with Demi's people are trying to keep what happened in Dallas under wraps. I really don't want the public to know what happened behind closed doors. I know that things are going to come up when we have to go back to Dallas for the trial but I don't want to be bothered by it now. For right now I just want to enjoy my time at home and help Gianna make decisions on where she wants to go to college.

She still hasn't given me any clue on where she wants to go or what she wants to study yet but that is changing today. I need some answers about where my little girl is going to be for the next four years.

It's Thursday now and she just walked in the door. Gianna's after school retinue is very straightforward. When she gets home she goes to the bathroom, then she would find something to snack on while she sits at the table and does her homework. When her homework is done she would go up into her room, or go out with her friends. But today I was waiting for her when she sat down at the table, a bowl of popcorn in hand as she got ready to finish her schoolwork.

"Okay little girl, we need to chat." I said and sat down at the other end of the table.

"About what?" She asked and put some popcorn in her mouth.

"College, you haven't said a word about it to Demi or me and we kind of need to know where you want to go." I said.

Gianna looked kind of surprised by my subject of conversation but she kept her cool and got up from her chair.

"I'll be right back." She said and ran off before I could open my mouth.

"I know you are just taking advantage of me because I can't chase after you right now." I said and grumped about my bullet wounds.

I heard Gianna laugh as she came back into the kitchen holding five big envelopes. She held them close to her so I couldn't see what she had in them.

"So I didn't really have an idea until recently. After my battle with cancer I decided that I want to be a doctor, for kids with cancer." She said. I raised my eyebrows and looked at my daughter.

"Okay, you know you have to be really smart to become a doctor right?" I said teasing her.

"Mom. Please stop or I won't show you where I got in." She said

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