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— Dylan —

My eyes shoot open, I twist my head around to take in my surroundings. As 4 boys stare back at me, I realize this wasn't all a bad dream, this was real. I feel my hands binded behind my back, but I still instinctually try to pull my wrists apart.

"Morning sweetheart!" A brunette with blue eyes smirks at me, holding a sharpened knife up to my face, "Got anything to say for yourself?"

"I didnt see anything, I promise!" I cry, the boy directly beside me rolls his eyes.

I took a second to look at the boys around me now that they had removed their ski masks. The brunette beside me, was the shortest of the group with perhaps the biggest temper as I recognized his voice. I didn't know their names, but the other two boys a brunette and a blonde actually looked sorry for me.

I knew the last boy from his long curly hair that had stuck out from his mask, Harry Styles. He was the boy that had grabbed me in the alley. His hands were covered in some innocent mans blood, and he did not look sorry for me, he looked angry. He was looking me up and down, like I was more trouble than I was worth. His electric green eyes, now lacked all excitement, they were dull and cold.

I couldn't figure out why I was still alive, Harry could have killed me in the alley, instead he knocked me out and brought me here. Although it looks like he is regretting that decision, it was still his first impulse.

I know that they knew what I had seen, my tear stained cheeks gave it away. I would give anything to be able to burn the image from my mind, but I couldn't even if I tried.

"Tell us who you're working for!" I heard someone scream as I walked down the alley I always took on my way home from work. I looked up to see a 5 men further down the dark back alley. A man dressed in all black had another man pinned against the alley wall. He held a small knife pressed firmly against his throat.

I stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed the blade, I was scared to move an inch or even breath. I wanted to turn on my heel and walk out of the alley the same way I came in, but I couldn't. I felt paralyzed with fear, my heart beating against loudly in my chest.

The man against the wall was bloody from head to toe. While the other boy was dripping with his blood. I couldnt see any of the 4 boys faces, they were wearing ski masks, but the attacker had long curls sticking out from the bottom of his mask.

"Im not going to ask again!" The long haired boy swifty stabbed his blade into the other mans shoulder. The man crumbled over, only to be shoved back into the wall even harder. This time I could hear the boys voice was laced with an accent, not something you hear everyday in New York. I couldn't put my finger on where I had heard it before.

"Harry thats enough!" Another boy urged, tugging on the tall boys shoulders.


Suddenly the accent made perfect sense. I knew these people, I had heard about them on TV numerous times since I moved to New York. They were one of the cities most notorious gangs, known as The Four. They were known for all being from the UK, showing up in New York a few years ago.  I realized the taller boy holding the blade was the infamous Harry Styles. The other three must be Liam Payne, Niall Horan, Louis Tomlinson. I had heard their names before, but no one knows what they look like because they've never been caught on camera. They had pretty much commited every crime you could think of, the police were in constant search of these four.

But why were they here? I lived in a good part of town, nothing gang related ever happens here.

"Okay Styles just get on with it or move out of the way and I'll do it!" Another boy snapped, stepping forward I saw his tattoo covered arms.

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