Dreams of Memories

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As Grizzly and Panda went home Grizz has been very protective of Panda for now on but not to much that its weird, he still had feelings for him but he forgot when, they finally made it home

Ice Bear: Ice Bear was worried
Grizz:sorry Panda was hurt,can you pls get him an ice pack
Panda:im ok Grizz it will go away soon,ouch
Grizz:this will help you a bit
Ice Bear:here
Grizz:thanx, take this Panda
Panda:thx Grizz, its 9:45 im going to bed and you should too
Grizz:ok night
Ice Bear:night

Everyone went to bed and had dreams but Grizz had dreams of the memories held when he had feelings for Panda

The Past(dream)
Grizz:ok guys come on i found something in here
Panda:are you sure, its just a cave...a dark spooky cave
Grizz:Ice Bear what do u think
Ice Bear:..
Grizz:oh yeah i forgot you cant talk yet
Panda:hmm i hope this is safe
Grizz:no worries bro ok
Grizz:whoa this cave is big
Grizz:huh Panda
Panda:im ok...just stuck in a hole
Grizz:hold on ok im will get ice bear, ICE BEAR PANDA IS STUCK HELP
Ice bear:follows Grizz
Grizz:ok grab on my legs ok
Ice bear:nods
Grizz:grab my hand
Panda:r u sure you will get me
Grizz:trust me

Panda grabs Grizz's paws but when he got him out Panda hug him tight. Grizz never felt this but it was a nice feeling he hug him back

Panda:Grizz i was so scared pls dont leave me ever
Grizz:..its a promise wispers i love you
Grizz:er..i mean i will keep u safe hehe
Grizz:im glad your safe

[turns into a nightmare]
Panda:huh ground shakeing and rubble falls on him

Grizz went through all the rubble but sadly Panda was dead and he tried to wake him up but he wouldnt

Grizz:pls wake up..Pan-Pan r u ok...no its my fault im so sorry im a terrible brother im sorry no pls wake up

Voices:Your terrible brother, you couldnt protect him, Your so shameful
Grizz:noo its not my fault
GhostPan:why did you broke your promise...why
[Dream ends and Grizz wakes up]
Grizz:Panda!!....it...it was a dream...pew im glad hes safe

Grizz finally new why he loved him but what was the nightmare about,he will just find out the next day


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