Chapter 1.

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I laid in my bed staring at the ceiling waiting for my mom to scream my name any minute .

" Anderson !! Get up its the first day of your new school and you cant be late " My mom yelled from downstairs .

" I'll be ready soon mom " I said throwing my blanket in the air .

Then my younger sister , Sharollet walked in my room to annoy me , of course .

" Hey loser Do you have my box of clothes in here I need to look good for my My first day being a freshmen " Sharollet said throwing my clothes at my face .

" Uhmm No ! I don't want you to become a teen mom sis . Just try not to get with a lot of guys " I said looking at her sit on my bed.

" Im not ! And I have only been with one guy in my whole life so trust me it won't happen " Sharollet said giving me a funny grin .

" Its not funny it happened to her and look were she ended up " I said feeling my eyes tear up .

" Why do you say it like that!? She was our sister its not her fault " Sharollet said looking at me angrily .

" But she chose a stupid boyfriend ! He killed her god damn it ! " I said Falling to the ground .

" You really cared about Ophelia didnt you? " Sharollet asked walking to me .

" Yes I did okay we never had dad around I took care of her when mom went out and I took care of you and now Rory ! He's still a baby and I cant let you guys do something stupid ! but a baby isnt stupid its a miracle its a miracle you can never regret because you love them because they're your life " I said getting up and opening my closet .

" I'll leave you alone so you can change" Sharollet said walking out of my room.

As I put on my white T-shirt I noticed a girl walking out of her house . Then she stared up at my window and smiled and I awkwardly blushed and ran out of my room and down the stairs.

" Bye mom Love ya ! " I said grabbing my bag and running out of my house .

" Hey you !? " I yelled running to the girl.

" Hey ? " the girl said weirdly . I looked at her eyes and they were the lightest blue I have ever seen not even my eyes are that blue , her eyes fascinated me and the way she dressed wasnt like any of the girls from my last high school she was unique she wore a splatter paint shirt with a lavender skirt and silver heel boots .

" Sorry hahaha , I just want to know your name im new to the neighborhood " I said smiling at the girl .

" Im Riley  I'm a Junior and I live in that house with my step Family" Riley said taking keys out of her backpack .

" Wow ? I didnt know you would throw that information out that fast " I said with a baby smile .

" Yup I know but Its better if I tell you now then later right? " Riley said giving me a a wide smile .

" True . Im Anderson and my sister was 16 when she got pregnant and  got killed by  her boyfriend and Im a senior " I said not thinking .

" Oh my God ! Im so sorry my real parents died in a fire i was an only child" Riley said looking at me sadly.

" Don't be she's in a better place  " I said flashing her my supposedly irresistible smile .

" Haha need a ride ?" Riley asked .

" Sure thanks " I said getting in her black BMW convertible .

She was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen and for some reason it felt like we were supposed to meet .

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When we got to the high school everyone stared at me and Riley got hugs from everyone until her actual friends noticed me . "Omg who's this Riles ?" One of her friends asked

" Julia , Jesse , Harper , Emma , Daisy and Audrey this is Anderson . Anderson these are my friends "Riley said .

" ugly name but your sexieness makes ur name sexy " Audrey said ." How long have you known each other for?"

" um we bare-"I said getting interrupted.

" Last Summer we hooked up in the cabins remember ", Riley said looking at me .Her friends jaws dropped and Jesse grinned .

" That was you ?"Jesse asked . I turned red and Riley did too I walked away and went to a garden in the forest close to the school. I heard footsteps and i turned around and saw Riley .

" Sorry about that new boy .. Did I say something wrong ? " Riley asked . I smiled and patted the bench

" No don't worry " I stuttered . She looked at me and hugged me ." I barely know you .. and I'm 100% sure you said we hooked up because you're a virgin ".

" YEAH.. you're right " She laughed . I smiled my baby smile the irresistible smile and she stared at me ."Why do you do you do that ?"

" Do what ?" I questioned .

" THAT SMILE .. its .. well so annoying  " She murmured. I laughed and ran my fingers through my hair and looked down and looked up slowly and did the same smile and she softly punched me .

"Oh you're a feisty one aren't you" I laugh. She stopped laughing and stared at me .

" Ive never really laughed with someone like this " She said softly . I hugged her  but my lips touched hers and we kissed .

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