Dugh, Bianca, and N

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I didn't know why, but I felt something urging me, something that could help; A mysterious force pulling me to something, or some one, connected.


I watched Mom come nearer, watching her observe snowflakes swirl around, then finally land on the ground and melt. I listened as her Xtransceiver rang, and she picked it up after the first ring.

"Oh, hi!" I heard Mom say. "Why Aurea Juniper! It's been far too long! What can I do for you?" She stopped talking and I listened closer, but still couldn't hear Professor Juniper on the other end. "Wow! A Pokédex... For my child? Why, that's great! I think a journey would be a wonderful experience!" I smiled from ear to ear. "What now? She's already here?" She? Who's she? I wondered, but silenced my mind and continue listening. "Oh, for Pete's sake. You never change. Once you've decided on something, you just start going. OK! Bianca, right? A big, green hat. Got it. OK! No worries!" She ended the conversation, and started walking inside. I quickly run to my room and resume my video games; Mom hates when I eavesdrop.

"Lestia! I'm home!" Mom yells to me. I come and walk over thinking, I know. I almost come out of my room when Mom comes running over to me, and we almost crash into each other. "Do you know Professor Juniper? She's a famous Pokémon researcher. Actually, she's an old friend of mine, and she called me today for the first time in ages! This is out of the blue, but, Lestia! Do you want to have a Pokémon?"

"Yes," I say, calmly.

"OK! Step one completed! Well then, do you know what a Pokédex is?"


"I knew you would!" Mom cries happily. "Isn't it amazing how it automatically records Pokémon you encounter? Yet another question! You want a Pokédex, right?"


"OK! Step two completed! Lestia! Your course of action has been set! A girl named Bianca has come here to meet you! She's Professor Juniper's assistant. I was told to simply look for a big, green, hat! That's right! You're going to go look for Bianca. And then you'll get a Pokédex and a Pokémon to be your partner! Oh your Xtransceiver's in your Bag, right?" I opened my Bag and showed her. "The girl's name is Bianca. I was told you should look for a big, green hat! She might be lost because this is her first time here. Go look for her!" Mom walks out of the room and sits on the couch. I walk outside, and hear some one call me.

"Hi, Lestia!" It's Dugh, a neighborhood friend, his sister tailing next to him "Hey! You get a Pokémon yet? There aren't any Pokémon trainers around here, and I'm getting bored!"

"Well, wait a little longer, and I'll get one! I just need to find a girl named Bianca first," I said, annoyed at how he keeps bragging about getting a Pokémon first.

"What? A person named Bianca is giving you a Pokémon? Really?!"

"Lestia..." Dugh's sister (what was her name?) says. "If you get a Pokémon, take really, really good care of it, OK?"

"If," I scoff.

"Yeah..." Dugh says.

"Fine. I was going to, anyway."

"OK! Let's go get your Pokémon! There's something I have to do! And to do that, I need someone I can trust besides my partner Pokémon. A person I can trust! That's right, I'm talking about you! You seem like you've got good instincts!" He turns to his sister and says, "You head on home."

"OK, big brother! Bye-bye, Lestia!" She says, running back home. I had always envied Dugh because he had a sister.

"All riiight! Let's go find that person named Bianca! Let's go!" He runs off, not even looking to see if I'm following. I sigh, and start heading straight, looking around for Bianca. I stand in front of the green exit terminal, when some one runs into me, knocking me over.

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