Chapter 1: Rumors and Paparazzi!

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Perrie's POV
I wake up in my plush purple bed, not wanting to move. Suddenly I hear arguing downstairs. The familiar voice of my band mates make me get out of bed. They better have woken me up for a good reason.

I sit up about to go downstairs, but get distracted by the perfect photo of my ex-fiancé. Why does he have to look so good. His newest shaved and dyed hair caressing his head. While he holds me as if his life depends on it. A tear drops out of my eye just thinking about the memories I've made with him.

Not caring about what I look like, I wipe my tear and get out of bed. I Watch my feet as I walk out of my once safe haven, trying to distract myself from anymore memories of what used to be. I walk down the wooden steps, the voices getting louder as I edge closer.
"We can't show her these" Jesy said quietly. Show who, what?
"Come on, Jesy" Leigh Anne says irritated. I don't even need to see Leigh's face to know the dramatic faces she's pulling. I get to the bottom of the stairs. I walk down the familiar pathway, staring at my feet once again wondering why my bandmates are bickering! I turn around the corner walking into the kitchen. Jesy suddenly stops, taking whatever she is holding in her manicured hand and hides it behind her back. God that child I don't think she understands how bad of a cover that was. Silence takes over the room besides my small giggle at Jesy.
"Jesy, what ya holding" I ask, confused as to why she's hiding something from me. As a band and as friends we don't hide anything from each other as far as I know.

"Nothing" she says passing the item to Leigh who's moving in front of Jade who is sitting on the white leather couch. I realise what Leigh is trying to do. She is guarding her from answering any questions due to what a horrible liar she is. So my plan begins.
"So Jade" I ask slowly walking to the couch, lightly shoving Leigh out of the way. I sit down getting into the character of Sargent Olivia Benson when she is interrogating those disgusting criminals. What I like Law and Order: SVU! Don't judge!
"Oh in gods name, we've got no hope" Jesy says in a preacher tone. Ignoring Jesy's weirdness, I continue to interrogate Jade.
"So Jade, what was everyone bickering about this morning?" I ask sweetly while batting my eye lashes hoping she cracks. I see Leigh Anne from out of the corner of my eye, acting out weird gestures to Jade but Jade is so deep in thought, that she doesn't even notice. "Not-thing" she stutters.

"Really, maybe the fans would like the FaceTime story Jade!" I ask eyeing her, knowing she has a weakness.
"You wouldn't!" Jesy says.
"I would!" I say knowing I actually wouldn't. Jade seems deep in thought saying up the options.
"Fine,we were bickering about showing you the front of the newspaper" she says blurting it out quickly. Groans are heard from Jesy and Leigh as Jade quickly apoligises. Realisation hits me as I know what it's going to be about.
"Sorry I was sweating like a sinner at church and you know I hate sweat a-and I can't help it she threatened me." Jade stutters as Leigh insures its all good. Feeling bad I apologize.
"I'm sorry Jade I wouldn't have actually but Jesy, give" I demand. My eyes starting to gloss with tears. She passes the newspaper to me knowing that she can't do anything else.
"Zayn dumps Perrie Edwards over text!" The title says.
"Tattoo of Perrie being turned into lotus flower!" I read out loud, my voice staying bland while telling myself not to be bothered by this but I can't help and wonder if his already moving on, did what we have mean anything like I thought it did.

I drop the newspaper tears come flowing down my weak and pathetic face. Running upstairs I lock the door and turn on music to explain what my words never explain.
God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts
Guess he kissed the girls and made them cry
Those hard-faced queens of misadventure
No one was supposed to know besides the girls, Zayn and my family! Who told them? Is Zayn actually getting rid of his tattoo of me already!

The lyrics giving me some kind of comfort. It nearly seems as if these lyrics are the thoughts that constantly enter my head, the thoughts that I am unable to explain and listening to these lyrics only leave me crying on my bed.

God knows what is hiding in those weak and sunken lives
Fiery throngs of muted angels
Giving love but getting nothing back, oh
I stuffed my face into my pillow just hoping it could swallow me whole.
People Help the people
And if you're homesick,
give me your hand and I'll hold it
Shouts and banging are heard from my door telling me to open up. I hope he is happy about how this turned out, but I can't help but wonder if he even cares.
People help the people
And nothing will drag you down
Oh and if I had a brain...
Oh and if I Had a brain...
Then the banging stops and I'm thankful for the music that sings my soul's thoughts. I hear a click and my bedroom door opens!
I'd be as cold as a stone and as rich as a fool
That turned all those good hearts away.
I look towards the door to see Jade running in while putting a bobby pin back into her gorgeous chestnut. Followed by Leigh Anne and Jesy. No wonder Zayn broke it off, compared to Jesy, Jade and Leigh Anne. I'm like an ugly troll.
God knows what is hiding in this world of little consequences
Behind the tears, Inside the lies
"Oh honey, it's ok" Jesy says coming over to pat my back.
"No it's not" I say honestly. I loved Zayn even though he doesn't like me. I really did. I thought when he proposed that I'd have someone to live with for the rest of my life. But like everything else it just didn't work out.
A thousand slowly dying sunsets
God knows what is hiding in those weak and drunken hearts
"It's not the end of the world!" Jade adds sympathetically as I cry which doesn't really help because it is the end of what was going to be my world..
Guess the loneliness came knocking
No one needs to be alone, oh singin'
Then everything starts to blur, my breathing quickens and I can't hear anything but my own chokes. I sit up trying to breath , but nothing is working. I put my head in my hands, as Jesy tries to assure me that everything's ok!
People help the people
And if your homesick
give me your hand and I'll hold it

"Jades calling 911, right now just try and calm your breaths! Ok! Breathe in and out" Jesy says looking me right in the eyes with her normal brown eyes blurred from my vision. I try to follow her instructions but nothing seems to work. I hear four words just as I fall to unconsciousness.

People Help the people
Nothing will drag you down

I wake up hoping that was all a dream and that the beep is my alarm even though I know it's not! I open my eyes seeing the girls next to me sleeping. Jesy on the White tiled floor. Leigh Anne on the plastic chair,tear stains on her tanned face. And Jade sitting on top of Leigh Anne, being hugged like teddy bear. I hear the loud, familiar and furious voice of my brother on what seems to be the phone.
"I don't care! Who you are you hurt my sister! And your not gonna get away with it!" He says yelling at the end his voice horse from what I sounds like crying. I wince knowing his probably talking to Zayn hopefully on the phone as I don't want him to see me like this. I pretend to be asleep, not wanting to get a lecture about how I need to take care of myself and forget about what used to be.

I feel a hand grab my hand. I open my eyes to see Jonnie crying. He never cries.
"What's wrong?" I ask, genuinely worried. Because I don't think he would cry over me!
"Oh my god, Perrie! Your okay!" He shouts waking everyone in the room up.
Everyone runs over to me and hugs me. The door squeaks open. We're all shocked to see Waliyha Malik in a nurse's uniform! Come on! Fu*k my life like seriously! I know it's not Waliyha's fault but right now I just want no reminders of zayn! But come on out of what odds are this!

"Hi I'm Waliyha, I will be you're nurse today. If you nee-" she stops finally looking up for the first time since being in this room. Her face turns into shock, her brain only just starting to comprehend what's going on.

"Oh my goodness, Perrie? I saw the file that said Perrie Edwards but I thought it was just a coincidence as you wouldn't have these injuries, but I stand corected! Why are you here?" Waliyha asks, her thick Bradford accent reminds me of Zayn.
"Yes, it's Perrie" Jade answers for me ignoring the second question. Suddenly my cotton white bed sheets become very intreating. Tears form in my eyes. Oh my god Perrie stop being so weak!

A/N: What do you think so far?
This is my second story and I have worked really hard some criticism would be nice!
Any ideas or suggestions are appreciated and for anyone in

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