The Japanese Boy Chapter 7

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I awoke that fine beautiful morning with a few idea's of my own, Tam slumbered on, lying, as always, across my chest,

These moments i loved, very still air, warm early morning sunlight streaming in at an acute angle, and its rays bathing my boy in light, his body glowed and i reached down and ruffled his hair, his eyes opened slowly and he turned to look at me, his lovely brown eyes focusing on me, he grinned,

'Morning Tam' he smiled, and reached up and placed his hand on my shoulder,

'Feeling fit? 'he asked me, I smiled, it had been a hectic night adding to his sex archive.

'Worn out' I said ' But happy' I slid from under him and stood up and stretched, i was semi-hard, as always in the morning, it hovered a few inches from Tams' mouth, he looked at it keenly, but i turned away,

'We have more important things to do today Tam so get your bottom up and into the shower, I want to talk to you about something.

Tam reached for my ever growing cock but i padded into the bathroom and stepped into the bath and turned on the power shower to max and got under,

Tam soon followed, i felt his erect cock against my bum before i heard him.

Tam rested his head against my back and wrapped his arms around me and hugged me, I knew exactly what he wanted, most times I refused but this morning was special,

I pushed my bum out and arched my back, Tam, didn't even guide that big head into me with his hand, he was just the right hight to push and it slipped in, as always the feeling was breathtaking, like a real-life butt-plug being ground into you really fast and hard.

I could see Tam's face in the mirror, he was in heaven, he gripped my hips leant back and fucked me like a piston until i begged him to cum, he did with a loud moan, I swear I could feel it pump his boy-juice into me.!

He spun me around and sucked me until I came, he gagged and some spunk came down his nose, we fell about laughing,

But back to the shower.

He was always a sleepy head, i turned around and placed his hands on my shoulders, and washed him from head to foot, including his throbbing cock, His eyes were closed and he looked dreamy.

'Now go and brush your teeth while i finish washing' Tam kissed me and did as he was instructed, i had to smile, he had servants all his life up till now, and i was becoming like them, i called out to him over the noise of the shower,

'Did your servants wash your cock as well?' i saw him flinch and blush, he turned to me,

'You know I wash myself,' i replied back,

'Like just now?'  he flinched again, I laughed.

He finished brushing his teeth and left the bathroom,

I loved to tease him, i washed him every morning, whether this is what he was used to growing up, or whether this was him being a sleepy head i had yet to figure out.

I finished,  brushed my teeth and walked into the dorm where Tam had dressed and was looking more awake

I made breakfast as Tam logged on to his computer, I called to him and he looked up,

'Tam i have an idea, i wonder can you help me?'

He smiled and walked towards me, i held him and kissed him,

'Do you think you could check out my laptop and see what i need to be able to record on it like you do with yours?' he smiled at me,

'You want some memories kept too?' he was so sweet,

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