Chapter 6

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Armaan's pov

This was going to be fun I thought with a smirk, looking down at the gorgeous hijabi chick, she looked so innocent and adorable that I had to give her my famous smirk and wink leaving her staring after me. Out of all the people that Simon introduced me to, I sensed that Falak and I were gonna have chemistry, weather good or bad God knows.

Right! Now down to business, Simon showed me to the meeting room where everything was set up for me to take centre stage, I was addressing the whole of the Runway team, about what I expected of them, the future of the magazine, the changes and finally the people being made redundant, due to that fact that I wanted the magazine to focus on one area.
After this meeting I guess most if not all the staff would literally hate Armaan Malik with a capital h.


Falak pov

What an obnoxious concieted as*h@%e I thought seeing him walk away, "I think he likes you" said Daisy smiling still interrupting my thoughts, "no way he is such a jerk , I hate him" I replied back in anger "there is no way he is my Prince charming" I said to which she replied "there is a fine line between love and hate darling!".
I scoffed and just walked off leaving her to get a glass of much needed water, having just finished the glass, Daisy shouts over to me "hunni we gotta get going, meetings gonna start on a few minutes" great I thought now comes the moment where Armaan Malik shows us he is the boss. Walking slowly with our colleges we enter the meeting room, where Armaan Malik looks formidable standing there in the front..... Here goes nothing I guess.


Simon's pov

I feel so awful about the fate of everyone sitting here today albeit one person , it was my responsibility to ensure that everyone of these people here had a secure job but unfortunately that's not the case, my accountant informed me yesterday that there is a problem with the numbers in my accounts book, someone had been betraying me and more importantly my baby and I need to find the traitor before Mr Malik finds out about it otherwise I'll be facing a bigger problem. After quietening everyone down we pay attention to what the man himself has to say.

Hey all x This is just a massive thanks to all of you who have been reading my book so far, hope your enjoying it and please vote or comment on any positive or negative things I written xx

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