Chapter 1

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"Come on guys, let's go for a walk at the beach!" Lani shouted, running over to the group, her raven hair bouncing around her face as she ran. She finally caught up to the group, her blue eyes dancing with excitement.
"Please", Lani pleaded everyone
"Okay", everyone said in unison
"Come on then let's go!" Sky said. Once they got to the beach they were all panting, because of running to the beach at top speed. They all plopped down on the warm sand, the sun hitting their faces making them squint.
Alex loved seeing the water lap over his feet it gave him a sense of tranquility. As he was enjoying it he didn't notice something dropping onto his head until the last minute.
"Ow!!" Alex shouted rubbing his head in pain.
"Who threw that!" Alex growled, anger bubbling inside of him. Everyone turned to Samheed.
"Hey it wasn't me!" He exclaimed
"Sure", Sky said, looking him in the eye
" Whatever, let's head back before another book decides to hit Alex in the head", everyone burst into laughter at Crows joke, except Alex.
"Oh ahahaha!" Alex said sarcastically waving his hands in the air until they stopped their laughing fit.
"You're no fun!" Lani pouted
"I guess we should head back", Henry said wiping away a happy tear from laughing too much. Soon they all headed back to their dorm rooms to bed.
Alex was in his room and examined the leather cover of the book. The title read: The Land Of Stories.
Alex finally gave up on the book and let sleep take him in.

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