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"hand over the six" the reptilian voice hissed.

That frase rang through hazel's ears, as a million questions burst into her head like fireworks. Who were these thing? Where did they come from? Why do they want us?

even though none of her questions got answered she concluded that it wouldn't be in her best interest to get captured

"Of course it is, who else would be awesome enough to be THIS popular?" Dakota asked sarcastically.

"well we have to do something, I suggest we get put there and have some fun kicking their reptilian butts."

" I'm in", Dakota said

"So am I" Izzy said, her radioactive eyes looking more fierce then ever.

" count me in too" Leo said determinedly

"wait..... before we go out and fight without any plan whatsoever, where is Kal?

" i' m here" Kal saud as he flew in the window. With his messy silver hair and his stormy grew eyes he had never looked so intimidating. Especially for a 14 year old.

" K lets go." Hazel said shortly as she pushed open th door.

only to reveal three reptilian creatures pointing guns at their heads.

Thats when Hazel felt a sharp prick at her neck. Thats when it all went dark...


So how was the chappie? 3 votes for next chapter!

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