A Week Later

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Why Me?


Chapter 14

After last week went by, Hali was getting a lot of kicking and immortal babies are born faster!

Then finally on a Friday,he came!

Hali was screaming in pain because this birth was not like a humans birth.

With having a werewolf and a pure baby it's much harder to get out and sometimes they don't survive birth.

I was crossing my fingers and hoping for the best!

While Hali giving birth beside me and her squeezing my hand was not painful at all.

But she was in pain!

Finally after 12 hours of trying to give birth,he finally came out.

He survived!

Hali was holding him and rocking him.

He was adorable!

Once he opened his eyes I saw his bright blue eyes.

He was perfect!

Hali what are we going to name him? I asked

She leaned over to look at him again!

She had whispered, We will name him Daniel.

My eyes filled up with tears!

That was my dads name but half of the time I never saw him.

He would be home but never talk to my mom an I!

That's a wonderful name Hali,I said while whipping my tears!

She gestured me to come near her

She put Daniel in her other hand and hugged me with the oth let arm!

We stayed there hugging and just cherishing little Daniel, for the rest of the night.

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