Chapter 4

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Luhan can feel his tears falling down. He doesn't know why he is crying, he feels weird, He want to shout at Minseok for leaving him for all this years but he can't. He's just there standing, while his tears is falling down like an idiot. But he notice Minseok is not alone He is with Tao.
"Oh! Luhan ge." Tao was shocked to see Luhan so soon. he look at Minseok who is picking Xander up.
"Luhan are you ok?" Minseok asked Luhan and Luhan nodded. "So it was nice to see you around Luhan but we have to go now, but see you soon?"
"MInseok wait!" Luhan grabbed Minseok wrist to stop Minseok from walking away from him, "Can I  come with you guys." Minseok looked at Tao who just shrug it off and looked at Baekhyun and the younger nodded.
"I guess so," Luhan was beyond happy, "But what about Sehun, aren't you here with him?" Luhan nodded, but he could feel someone sending glares at his direcrtion but he ignored it. He could only see Minseok even if there many people in the bubble tea house. "So why don't you call Sehun and invite him, this way we could have a triple date." Minseok smiled at Tao's direction and Tao smiled back. Luhan feels weird he was annoyed to see the two being all sweet to each other.
"But Sehun and I aren't dating anymore." Luhan said almost in whisper.
"What!? But I thought you guys are meant for each other." Minseok said in a pouty way.
"Appa! your acting like a baby." Xander laughed at his appa's reaction and Minseok just mocked his son and the two started bickering.
"Boys Boys calm down, don't create a scene here" Tao stoping the two as the two started pinchin each other cheeks and they're both now tearing up.
"But Papa, Appa started it and started mocking me." Xander whined and touched his cheeks that feels like burning in hell.
" But Xander laugh at me and that not how you suppose to treat your appa." Minseok said while touching his sore cheeks.
"Still Xander you can't laugh at your appa like that you know how sensitive he is and Minseok you should know better too." both Minseok and Xander frowned but nodded anyway.
"I know but you should too." Minseok said with a smirk. "What do you mean that I should too." Tao was confuse of what Minseok was talking about. "You know like stop acting like a child." Minseok said while shrugging. "Excuse me! I don't act like a child, FYI i'm very many and I know wushu so stop it saying that I'm acting like a child!!" Tao whined. "See this is exactly what I'm talking about!" Minseok laughed loudly and everybody in the cafe looked at them and Baekhyun send an apologetics look to everybody.
"Guys calm down! Kai and Kyungsoo is waiting for us and their bubble tea." Baekhyun announced they almost forgot about the other couple but oh well they have each other so they won't be bored.
"Wait guys I'll call Sehun," Luhan went to where Sehun was and found Sehun by the counter flirting with someone.
"Oh Hyung  where did you go?" Sehun asked and Luhan gave Sehun a look which Sehun ignored, "I met Minseok, Tao, and Baekhyun and so I told them that we should hang out all together." Luhan gave Sehun you-have-to-go-or-else look."So you also want me to go," Sehun sigh,"I guess so I don't have a choice huh?" Sehun gave up finding a reason to escape but he was he one that invited the older here for bubble tea that mean Sehun is free, Sehun sigh for the last time and back at the counter and smiled "See you later Jongdae hyung see you later." Jongdae smiled, "Ne. See you later Sehun and Luhan hyung see you later too." Luhan looked back and smiled. "Yeah see you later Chen."
"Minseok hyung!!!! Tao!!!!! I miss you two so much!!!!!" Sehun said while hugging Minseok to death.
"Yah! Oh Sehun let go of my Minseok!" Tao whined not liking how Oh Sehun touching his Minseok. Baekhyun was so embarrass of his idiotic friends.
"Guys lets just go. Their are people who is waiting for us and for their bubble tea, name starts with both K, one is a Dancer and one is a Satan." Baekhyun said while making weird gesture.
"We get it Baekhyun you just don't want your ass get beat up by Kyungsoo again for being late." Luhan said while laughing at the memory of Kyungsoo scolding Baekhyun for being late while Baekhyun was almost in the verge of crying. Nobody can go against Satan Soo except Minseok not even his own boyfriend Jongin.
"Uhhhh!!! don't remind me of that bad memory and FYI I wasn't scared of Kyungsoo just you know...." Baekhyun stop talking because he doesn't know how to explain the situation.
"Know what?" Luhan asked with a knowing smile.
"Ahhh! It doesn't have to do with you so stop asking!" Baekhyun finally snapped. "Baekhyun." Minseok said in a low but commanding voice that makes everybody in the group shiver. "Sorry hyung." Baekhyun said while looking down. "Don't say sorry to me say it to Luhan." Minseok said in his normal voice.
"Sorry Luhan hyung I didn't mean to snapped at you like that." Baekhyun apologized but still not meeting Minseok face even if the older isn't made at him anymore.
"It's okay Baekhyun I know you didn't mean it." Luhan smiled and Baekhyun smiled too. "So let go." Minseok announced while picking up Xander who is whining about how tired he is.

While walking to their destination Sehun could feel like someone was staring at him and when he looked at his side he saw Luhan giving him a look.
"What is it hyung? Is there something in my face?" Sehun asked.
"Jongdae? Are you serious? You freaking like Jongdae?!" Sehun covered Luhan mouth so that the older won't shout it out too loudly.
"What is there something wrong liking him" Sehun asked curiously.
"But he is a freaking troll!" Luhan whined Sehun already have enough of the people around him whining.
"It doesn't matter," Sehun sound serious. "hyung help me get Jongdae hyung as my boyfriend." It looks like that Sehun is seriously in love with Jongdae.
"Please help me hyung."


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