My Deadly End [A GirlxGirl Vampire Story]

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Of course. With all the superstition about 12/21/12, something was bound to happen. And guess who got to be the first one to find out. Me. A civil war broke out in every country in the world, humans against a superior race. The superior race won. They were incredibly strong, and fast, and pale. They couldn't walk in the Sun, and they couldn't enter a house without invataion. Their eyes were red if they were the lowest branch of them, the slave version of the race, Fangs.  Then their was the yellow eyed species, the Venoms. They were just average. And then there were the violet eyes. So purple almost black, they ruled the globe. Strikers.  All three branches made up the vampire race.

Taylor POV

"Damn this!" I yelled as I attempted to shove my books into my bag. My maths book hated me, I swear. It was halfway wedged between my ancient history and Spanish textbooks, and refused to go in further. "Whatever," I mumbled and stood up from off my bed. I let the flap from the top of my U.S. Army messenger bag flip over the books. The maths book kept the flap up, and the U.S. Army seal was clearly visible. I stood up and played with the belt loops on my black skinny jeans, unsure of what to do. I looked down at my T-Shirt and decided to change it. I pulled it off over my head, revealing my black lacy D-cup bra. I shuffled thorugh my drawers a bit before deciding on a mint green "Save the Trees" shirt witht he words splahed across the front. And, finally, I heard a honk from outside my window. I swung my bag over my shoulder and headed out the door, sliding on my combat boots on the way out. "About time!" I yelled to my friend Alice as I climbed into her car. She had the radio blaring on station 98.5 - Kiss FM. The song 'Give Me a Reason" by P!nk was blasting out of the speakers. "Wow, Taylor, what a casual T-Shirt." She said. I smiled. "Drive, bitch." She smiled and adjusted the rearview mirror. 

We finally pulled up at the school ten minutes late. I signed a tardy slip while glaring at Alice. Then we headed down a dimly lit brown corridor before getting to the main hall. I quickly opened my locker, checked my make up in the mirror, then sprinted off down the hall, my brown hair flowing behind me. 

After school, I plopped in the passenger seat of Alice's car and dropped my bag on the floor. "I'm sorry about Mr. Deren. He's a horrible teacher. I sighed. "Just... drop me off at my place, won't you?" Alice shook her head. "This is the lsat human civilization. The rest were turned or are slaves. I don't want you alone. Come back to my place." I sighed. "I'll be fine, Alice. I'm really not in the mood! Just drop me off at my house." Alice sighed. "No, Lana!" I grunted. "I'm perfectly fine on my own! I am seventeen years old! Drop me off at my damn house!" Alice looked me in the eye. "I will not let anything happen to my best friend. I will drop you off at your house, but I am staying over until your mom gets home. That is final." And she turned on her right turn signal. 

As soon as Alice's car pulled into my lot, I saw a black SUV in the drive. My mom's car. "She's early." I mumbled. "Well then, I'll be off." Alice reeved the engine. "Alice," I said. "Yes?" she interragated. "Be safe." I kissed her cheek before climbing out of the car. Alice drove off down the street as I watched the green Ferrari fade from sight. Then I inspected the SUV in my drive. Something wasn't right. There were marks all over that looked like they were from a struggle. And the liscence plate was gone. A shiver ran down my spine as I noticed the door swung loosely on its hinges from being broken down. I dropped my bag on the ground and slowly entered the house. "Hello?" I called. The house was empty. No couches, TV, painting, even table in sight. Just walls and floors. Then I heard a laugh from behind me. I screamed and spun around. And two violet eyes stared back at me. "Welcome home, Taylor." The vampire cooed. I backed up slowly until I hit the wall. The vampire took one step closer. "Don't... don't come any closer!" I warned, pulling a nail clipper out of my pocket. The vampire laughed. "Is that all you have?" I looked at the creature and realised she was not a creature at all but a beauty. Light pink hair so light it was almost white clung to her head in a gorgeous style. She wore a tight black shirt that tied up in the front with a corsett, revealing a lot of cleavage. And she wore deep black skinny jeans over strappy black heels. My vampire took a step closer. "I'm Princess Royal Duchess Madeline Kahn." I swallowed, hard. This girl had single-handedly ruled the vampire end of the world government for the past 100 years. She was 14 when she took on the role. She took another step closer. "And I want you to come with me." She instantly appeared before me and knocked the clippers out of my grasp. Then she picked me up like I weighed nothing and threw me out the door into the SUV. I screamed as she climbed into the drivers seat and started driving.

I woke up in a glorious room. A white marble floor covered in white feathers as decor was under my plush pink bed, and the walls were all window. I shivered a bit, knowing anyone could've watched me rest. I stretched my arms, noticing I was naked except for my bra and panties. I slid the blanket over my naked body and wondered what to do. I sat there for what felt like ages until a short man in a butler suit marched in the room. "Fräulein Khan wünscht für Ihre presense in ihrem Schlafzimmer in zwanzig Minuten, das Tragen von Kleidung aus iside Ihrem Kleiderschrank." he said in a thick German accent, nodding. "What?" I asked. He switched to English. "Miss Khan wishes for your presense in her bedroom in twenty minutes, wearing clothes from iside your wardrobe." then he left. I slid out of my bed and quickly ran to the wardrobe. I opended the mahogony doors and saw tons of designer clothes, all extremly revealing, almost slutty. I finally decided to wear a strapless white flowy blouse cut off at the bottom of my ribs and really short denim shorts that barely covered my butt. I sighed and slid on the same strappy heels Madeline had worn when she took me captive, suprised to see they fit. Just then the small man marched back in my room. "Follow me." he said. I followed him down a marble corridor until we finally found a small white door. I turned round and saw the small man was gone. I sighed and pushed open the door. The room inside was larger then I expected, with a small library in the left corner and a black mahogany piano, and a tall three poster bed on the right, draped with tons of thin white sheets. Madiline layed on the bed, hands in her lap. "Taaylor," she cooed, rising from the bed in front of me. Her lips brushed my neck, and I felt her fangs twitch, resisting to bite me. "So young," she whispered. "So innocent, so pure. Too bad you will become a monster..." I ripped from her grip and sprinted to the door, hair flying behind me. Madeline vaporized in the air to appear in the doorway, and dug her two inch long glossy pink nails in my arm. "Where are you going, sweetheart?" she muttered. "Home? Ha! Where do you think your mother is?" I gasped and struggled from her. "WHERE IS MY MOTHER?!?!" I screamed, fighting. "NO!" Madeline laughed, and a twinkle enveloped the room like warmth on Christmas Eve in front of the fire, and my heart swelled in... what, exactly? "Your mother is in a bed chamber like yours." "I want to see her!" Madeline laughed again. "Maybe if you behave well." She leaned in and kissed my lips, and I felt my heart melt. I wrapped my arms around her neck and kissed her back. She layed her hands on my waist.  I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist, forcefully kissing her. She walked backward and fell on the bed, tugging on my shirt. I pulled it off, and felt the warmth of her skin wrap around  me.


I couldn't beleive I had done it. It. With Madelineof all people. And as I walked down the aisle in the dining hall, I felt all eyes on me. Madeline sat at the top of the table, with a raw steak on her plate. I found a seat with cooked meat and sat down. Madeline said Grace and we all digged in. Us humans, anyway. All the vampires leaned to their stakes and sucked the blood from the steak, making disgusting slurping sounds. I wrinkled my nose in disgust.

That night at three in the morning, I heard my door slide open and a small figure stood, shaking."Hello?" I asked. "Is there someone here?" I heard a voice ask, shaking, with a Southern drawl. "Yes, I'm Taylor. I'm 17. Who are you?" "I.. I'm Bennie Moore, seven years old." I felt my eyes sting. They took seven year old children and probably raped them. "Come here, Bennie." I saw the small figure come closer. "Where is your mother, Bennie?" I heard her start to cry. I pulled her close and held her until she said, "They came to my farm, they did. They took my mama, they did. Took me too. Mama and me, we was scared. They taken my Mama and brought somethin to her neck. She bled everywhere. They killed Mama. Pa abandoned us years ago, and Bobbie Jack was nappin in the stable with the calves." I pulled her closer. "I'm so sorry." My voice was a low whisper. I felt her body shake in sobs, and I lifted her on the bed. "Sleep in here, Bennie." She nodded. And after hours, I felt her breathing calm into the pattern of slumber.

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