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Elora's POV

Monday finally came around and I felt like shit. I had to wake up earlier than usual, which I knew Alexis wouldn't like. We had to go to work earlier than normal, we usually have to be there at 8am but today we had to be there at 7am. "Elora sweetheart, time to get up" called Bliss from the kitchen, obviously making breakfast "Ughhh, do I have to?" I whined lifting my head off my pillow "Sorry hunny" Zoé replied walking into my room. I slowly made my way to the kitchen to see a very chirpy Bliss dancing away to her music whilst serving up the best smelling pancakes EVER. I ran to the table almost falling over twice, and grabbed a plate of pancakes. All was well until... Alexis woke up. "Ughhh, why the fuck is it so earlyyy" she moaned pulling at her hair. As soon as she smelt the pancakes, she ran and sat down across the table from me. "Here you go Alexis" Bliss said placing down a plate of pancakes infront of Alexis. As soon as they were put down she started stuffing her face. Bliss then returned to the mixture, wiggling her butt to the tune of her music. She then started singing Star Girl whilst flipping the pancakes "Hey, I'm looking up for my Star Girl" she sang "I guess I'm stuck in this mad world" I replied to her. This continued for the rest of the song, we all started yelling it, causing one of our neighbours to yell "shut the fuck up, it's 5 in the morning!" causing us all to laugh.

About an hour or so passed and Alexis and I were heading to work "Bye guys, see ya later!" I yelled grabbing my backpack with my phone, makeup and other random shit in it "Text us who the celebrity is" called Zoé, straightening her hair "We will!" Alexis replied grabbing her keys "Have fun" Bliss chirped from her room "Bye!" all four of us yelled at the same time.

After arriving at work 5 minutes early, I greeted our manager along with Alexis "Morning Sarah!" I called from the door "Oh you're early today girls!" Sarah said turning around to face us "Only 5 minutes" grunted Alexis, obviously not enjoying being up early "Cheer up Alexis, you're really gonna enjoy this week" smirked Sarah "Speaking of this week, who will we be doing the photo shoot with?" I questioned her "Yeah and how do YOU know I'm gonna enjoy it?" Alexis giggled "Oh, you'll see" Sarah said walking off to were our client or clients will be waiting for us "So who do you think it is little miss Jones?" Alexis asked. They always call me "Little Miss Jones" because my last name, I don't mind. "Hmm, who could it be?" I thought aloud jokingly. We just chatted for about 10 minutes about random stuff until Sarah came back.

"Alright ladies, you know the rules: no flirting, no inappropriate touching, no kissing unless in a relationship etcetera etcetera etcetera" Sarah said with a huge smile plastered on her face "And most importantly, this photo shoot has no theme, so have fun with it!" "Wayhay, NO THEME!" Alexis cheered. Sarah left to get our clients (we had learnt it was multiple people) I started getting all nervous "What if we fuck up Alexis?" I asked in a worried tone turning to face her "We'll be fine Elora, we've done this for almost 5 years now" Alexis replied grabbing my hands. I smiled to myself thinking of all the different things we've done over the last 5 years. "Uhh, excuse me but um, are you the girls doing our makeup?" A confused male voice asked, it sounded slightly familiar but I don't know where from though "Yeah, sorry! We were just talk- " I turned to face our clients.


No way!

It wasn't!

It was!

"Y-you're..." I said in shock, covering my mouth with one hand and pointing at them with the other. "Wait, are you... Elora?" one of them said. He does. He does remember me... "Wait, you know her?" another one said pointing at me "WHAT THE FUCK ELORA, YOU DIDN'T TELL US YOU KNEW HIM!!!" Alexis screamed at me, not in anger, but in happiness and shock. I ran over to the older man and hugged him tightly "I've missed you" I whispered "I've missed you too" he whispered back. "What the fuck is going on here?" one of them asked, obviously confused still "Oh shit, Um, this is my little cousin Elora" he introduced "One: only little by three years, Two: Alexis, this is my cousin Danny" I squeaked.

This was gonna be the best week ever.

A/N Hey guys, so I hope you lije this chapter, also the description of the book, read it again and then think about it. This isn't all what it seems. Also shout out to WritingMyHeart for the new cover (I've not chosen which one yet but you'll see soon) Love you - Logan x

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