The Start of Something New

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I walked down the corridor, avoiding bumping into as many people as possible, and walked into my first class of the term: art. I was terrible at the subject; I only continued studying it because of the fabulously gay teacher, Mr Way, and the fact that my long lasting crush was in the class. This person being the amazing Ryan Ross.
I'd forgotten how beautiful his eyes were.
Well I guess that's what happens over winter break.
I quickly glance across the room at Ryan before I'm interrupted by my best friend Spencer squeezing my sides and scaring me half to death.
"Hey, Beebo! I've missed you while I've been at the lodge, you should come up with us next break." He said, telling me everything he did at his parents' winter lodge they own in the mountains.
I nodded along, only half listening when I heard a clapping sound.
"Brendon! Are you even listening to me?" Spencer asked me, annoyance seeping through his voice.
"Yeah, I am." I lied.
"I said: what do you think about my new boyfriend?" He repeated for me. I didn't even know Spencer liked guys.
"Who's that then?" I asked.
"It's-" he went to reply but was cut short by the bell ringing and Mr Way striding through the door with blonde? hair.
"All right, shut up everyone, I'm not in the mood for anything so you can just go nuts, so yeah." He said sitting back in his chair and tilting his head back to get some sleep.
"I wonder what's gotten into him, eh?" I nudged Spencer, "So who's your new boyfriend, huh?"
"Erm... I'm not sure if I wanna talk about this now, y'know. Someone might overhear and... yeah." He muttered.
"Yeah, okay. Sure." I replied, "But tell me later, yeah?"
"Sure thing, Bren."
The bell signalled the end of lesson when everyone stood up and bolted for the door. I waited behind Ryan; his hair smelled like vanilla.

Okay so this is my first fic and I haven't really decided when I'm gonna update but I just hope you enjoy it. Please vote or comment because that would make my boring day have some sparkle. So yeah

Jess xoxo

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