Chapter 9

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*phone goes off*

Ugh seriously? Why am I always waking up like this. I open my eyes and flinch. The sun is way too bright. I grab my phone from the nightstand and it's a number that I don't recognize. I click the call button


Hey Mae. It's Tyler.

Hey Ty! What's up?

Nothing really. I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out at the grill today. Just you and me.

Yeah sure. What time?

Hmm how about 3?

That sounds good. See you there!


*call ended*

As the call ended and my home screen showed up, it showed me that it was 12 p.m. I should probably take a shower and start getting ready. I go into the bathroom and do my business then take a nice, long, relaxing shower.

I got out with a towel wrapped around me and went to the closet. Hmm. I should definitely wear something casual. Like really casual. I grab a pair of black jeans and a oversized sweater. It was quite cold here compared to Florida.

I got dressed and walked downstairs. I went to the kitchen and went straight for the coffee. I pour some into my usual cup and sit down on the dining table.

I sip and finish the coffee and go back upstairs to grab my phone. I click the home button and see that it's 2:45. I should probably start getting down there. I walk out the door and start walking. It was a long 15-20 minute walk, but I needed time to think.

Last night, with Elijiah, was amazing. Well we didn't do anything, but I definitely feel something towards him. It's too early to be liking him but it will get to that stage soon.

After walking all the way to the grill I walk inside. I see Ty sitting on a table sipping on some coke. I walk over to his table and smile. "Hey Ty. Sorry I'm late," I say sitting on the chair right in front of him. "Oh no you're on time. I was early," he says smiling. "So what do you want to drink Miss Gilbert?" He asks me straightening his back and tilting his head up. "I would like a Coke, Mr. Lockwood," I say doing the same thing he was doing. "Well I'll go get you some my lady," he says getting up and walking over to the bar. I just laugh quietly and shake my head.

I feel some eyes on the back of my neck so I look back and see Elijiah with Elena. I smile at him and wave. He smiles back and nods. That's when Ty comes back with my coke and sits in front of me. "Here is your coke," he says. "Why thank you," I say smiling.

"Well hello there Mae," Elijiah says from behind me. I look behind me and smile. "Well hello there Elijiah," I say mocking him. He smiles. "So you guys are a thing?" Elijiah says frowning a bit. "I bet she manipulated him into thinking she's a nice one," Elena says from behind Elijiah. I get up and glare at her. "What do you want from me? I haven't done anything to you. Why are you being such a bitch?" I ask her snapping. "You just stole all my friends basically and took Damons room," she says shooting daggers at me. "I didn't steal any of your friends. And I'm moving out of that room today," I say about to go punch her face but Elijiah holds me down.

"Don't listen to her. She is just trying to get under your skin," he whispers in my ear. I nod and sit back down.

"Elena, maybe you should go. I'm going to stay with Tyler and Mae," Elijiah says sitting down beside me and Tyler on the square table. She huffs and leaves.

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