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"How do you kill the demon inside you, without killing yourself?"



-Harry's P.O.V-

Do you know how in movies there was always two mini-you on your shoulders, one a devil and the other an angel? That was what exactly happened to me.

They were fighting because of her and she was the only one who could bring me back to reality. That was why I asked her to splash me. No, I didn't ask her; I forced her. I just needed to snap out of it.

The devil on my left shoulder always won because another demon helped him. The demon inside me. Two demons against one angel, what were the odds of the angel to win? The shocking surprise was that the two demons manipulate the angel most of the time to act like a little devil. Yes, I was that dark.

You could give all the credits to the demon inside me. He worked most of the time. He was the one who forced me to act like a total jerk towards her, not only to her but also to everyone around me. I had to admit, I was the worst arsehole I could be with her since she had this light in her soul that could blind both of my demons and gave my angel the energy to grow more.

Before your thoughts could betray you, I wasn't a psycho. I just believed that my old self was disappeared after what happened, so I created a new me. Which was mysterious and dangerous. I tried to be nice to her I really did, but this leaded to my old self to come back to the surface little by little. She caused the ashes of what was long buried of me to crawl its way back to my heart, and I didn't want that. I had no idea why she was having that effect on me whenever I was around her, it was weird and I couldn't describe it.

As much as I loved the feeling of relief and relaxation whenever we actually talked and laughed, I didn't want to be back to my old self yet because then I couldn't accomplish what I had in mind. Another reason why I didn't want to be near her: I was terrified of the effect she had on me. I was terrified of the anonymous feeling that was growing every time I was near her.

I didn't go home the night she splashed me, I went to Louis'.

"And she splashed you?" Louis asked in surprise.

"She didn't have a choice." I shrugged.

"Can I ask you a question?"  I nodded "Did you really mean that thing about her eyes?"

Did you mean the fact that her innocent brown eyes really shined more than the stars? Yes.

"No." I answered.

"Do you feel anything towards her?"

"I already told you about that weird feeling." I replied and got inside the kitchen.

"Do you like her?" He wanted to get anything out of me when the truth was, I myself didn't fucking know anything to get it out!

"Fuck no! She's just an obnoxious bitch who likes to be in control." Did I really mean it? No one was ever going to know.

"She didn't try to be in control of anything." Louis gave me a weird look.

"Whenever she's around I feel like she's in control." Why did I just tell him that?

"Then you're the only one who feels this way, it means that you may...."

"Fuck off!" I cut him off and went inside to wear one of his sweatpants.

I looked at the mirror and thought about the time she kind of complimented my hair. My hair actually looked good you know? What was I thinking! I was taking an advice from a girl I barely knew and didn't like? Nah, this wasn't me at all.

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