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The machete cut through skin and bone, tendon and muscle, and the lifeless body of the vampire fell to the ground.

She wiped the blood from her face--it wasn't hers, but it was all over her hands.

Her keen ears picked up soft, swift footsteps behind her. Without hesitation, she spun around and swung the giant blade, and the final vampire in the nest dropped at her feet.

After a final sweep to assure that she had wiped them out, she threw the soiled machete into her trunk and got into the driver's seat. The old convertible's engine rumbled to life

She wiped her brow and drove away to find the cheapest motel to crash at.

The ringing of her cellphone startled her. Groaning, she pulled over to answer.


"Dani? It's Bobby," the gruff voice at the other end said

"Yes, Bobby, I know it's you," Dani grumbled. "What is it? I just wiped out a nest and I can hear a motel bed calling my name."

"Sorry, kid, but I got a couple of friends that could really use your help with a pretty nasty djinn down in Ohio."

"Ohio?" She exclaimed. "Bobby, I'm no where near Ohio."

"Trust me, Dani, I wouldn't call you unless they really needed help," Bobby said.

"Gee, thanks."

"That's not what I meant." The old man cleared his throat. "These boys are some of the best hunters I've ever met. And ya know I've met a lot of 'em. They really need some help, kid."

"I won't be there till morning. If they're 'the best of the best' they should be done by then."

She got ready to hang up, but Bobby made her stop. "C'mon, you angry little Brit, what d'ya got against helpin' out a couple hunters that need it."

She turned the key in the ignition. "You know what. Better than anyone else."

Before he could say anything else, Dani hung up and drove off into the night, not really sure where she was going.


At 6 am, Dani found herself at a motel in Ohio. She didn't want to be there...but she didn't want to disappoint Bobby. She owed him, as did every other hunter alive.

Sighing, she flipped onto the lumpy mattress and dialed the old man's number.

"I'm here, you happy?" she huffed when he answered.

"Thanks, Dani," was all he said.

After a moment's pause, she asked, "So, how am I gonna meet these guys?"

"I told them to meet you at the diner at 12 today."

She groaned. "I haven't slept in a full day!" Of course he knew she would come despite her reluctance.

"Sorry, kid." Bobby hung up.

Dani set her alarm for eleven and plugged in her phone. She fell right asleep. Might as well get a few hours.


Dani's phone woke her with demonic beeping. She groaned and peeled her tired, dry eyes open and snatched her phone off the pillow next to her. After debating whether or not she had time to shower, she concluded the boys could wait if they "really needed her help".

After taking her sweet time, Dani wrapped her hair in a towel and got dressed. She applied a thin layer of makeup and whooshed out the door, gun and knife tucked into her waistband.

Regret of her decision immediately set in as she pulled up to a burger joint. She saw the Chevy Impala Bobby told her to look out for two spots down from her convertible.

Dani locked her and trudged into the diner, which reeked of onions. Her nose crinkled as a waft of stuffy air hit her in the face.

Her dark eyes scanned the tables for two men fitting Bobby's description. "One's real tall with long hair, that's Sam. The other's Dean. He's older but shorter and has green eyes and freckles. He calls himself a lady-killer; I call him an idjit," he had explained.

Her gaze landed on two people a little like what she had imagined. The one with long hair ate a salad and read something on his laptop and the other seemed deeply immersed in his burger. She shuddered.

Standing a bit taller, she approached their table.


The green eyed one looked up and swallowed a mouthful of beef. "Connaly?" He sounded surprised at her accent, although Dani expected it. She had gotten used to it.

She held a hand out to him, which he took. "Dani," she introduced herself. "Are you Dean?"

"That's me. This is my brother Sam."

She held her hand out to Sam as well. "Nice to meet you," he said. She simply nodded.

Dani sat down in the seat next to Sam and across from Dean. "So," she began, "seeing as I'm here to help you with this case, what do you have so far?"

Sam sighed. "Not much. We can't trace the victims and we have no idea where the djinn is camped out."

She raised a dark eyebrow. "How do you even know it's a djinn?"

"Because we killed one of its pack," Dean explained around his burger.

She cocked her head to one side. "I've never heard of djinn traveling in packs."

"It's rare," Sam replied, "but it has happened."

"So, you've got no idea where it is, and you called me?"

Dean pointed at her. "We didn't call you. I didn't want your help but Bobby insisted that we needed you." He stared at the sandwich in his hands. "As if we haven't ever taken care of a djinn before." He took a gruff bite.

She gave a sideways look to Sam, who merely shrugged and sighed.

"No leads, no ideas, nothing?" Dani asked.

"Pretty much," Sam said

She rubbed her temple. A headache was coming on. "Is there any connection between the disappearances?"

"Just one. They all were seen last in this general area." Sam pulled up a map on his computer.

"Any possible hideouts?"

"A bunch," Dean replied, "but we checked 'em all out and there was nothing."

She sniffed and nodded. A waiter passed her and she stopped him. "Do you have a pen I could use?" He handed it to her and Dani wrote something down on a napkin.

Once the boy left, she slid it over to Sam. "Here's my number. Call me if you need anything." She got up and slung her bag over her shoulder. "In the meantime, I'll check out the area tonight and we can meet back here tomorrow."

"Wait," Sam said, getting up with her. "At least let us come with you."

She smiled. "I don't need help, Winchester. But thanks."

"Dani," he stopped her mid-step again. She rolled her eyes and turned back to him. "We'll meet you there at 6:30."

She smiled tightly. "Bye."



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-Sammi Winchester

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