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Dani arrived at the town soon after the brothers. She got a room in the same motel they were staying in and, in her best blouse and slacks, headed out to meet the Winchesters at the crime scene.

She flashed her faux badge at one of the officers and come to Sam's side, who was scanning something for EMF.

"Anything?" she whispered.

Sam showed Dani the scanner. The red lights on top glowed and the machine made a whirring noise.

She sighed. "Great."

Sam nodded. "We're going to have to do some research on this one."

"Who's the victim?"

"Helen Armstrong, thirty-six-years-old. She'd been living in this house ever since she was a kid, and when her parents died, she inherited it."

Dani looked around the massive library. A crystal chandelier sparkled above their heads, a fireplace crackled at their sides, books galore lined the dark wood walls. Rich people, then.

"Did she live alone?" she asked.

Sam shook his head. "She had a daughter and a son. And her sister lives with them."


"The son found her." Sam pointed to the boy in the corner. He was biting his fingernails and staring off into space. He seemed surprised when Dani approached.

"Hi," she said smiling. Her accent made him cock his head, as if he was unsure he heard correctly. "My name's Amelia." She showed him her badge. "I just want to ask you a few questions, if that's okay?"

The boy sighed. "Look, I'm really tire-"

"I'll just be a tick," she assured him.

He shook his head but said, "Fine."

"What's your name?"


She smiled again. "Well, Miles, I've been told that you were the one that found your mother. Care to elaborate?"

He took a shaky breath. "You don't have to," Dani assured Miles.

"I don't really remember too much," he began. "I saw it for a second and then I just ran away to get Aunt Claudia."

"What can you remember? Anything at all." Dani asked.

"Besides all the blood?" Miles rubbed his hands together. "It, uh, it was really cold? A lot colder than the rest of the house."

Her heart sank. Ghosts broke Dani's heart, despite the violence. They only acted out because they were restless. The thought of roaming the earth for decades was enough to drive anyone mad.

She nodded. "Okay. Thank you for your time, Miles."

He nodded and began to turn away. Dani spotted Dean questioning a woman not too far off.

"Miles?" Dani stopped the boy. He turned, a hint of fear and weariness in his blue eyes.

"Is that your aunt?" She pointed to the woman with Dean.

He nodded. "That's Aunt Claudia."

Dani smiled. "Great, thanks."

Dean turned when he saw her coming over, and he moved over some in order to let Dani enter the conversation.

The woman, Claudia, completely shut down when she noticed Dani.

"Who are you?" she questioned.

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