maybe a happy ending ?

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My mum always said to me , no matter what happens you will always end up stronger. I didnt think with my simple, easy life that aventally the cracks would start to show. My family seemed strong and I had a good life but being young ment that i didnt understand most of what was really going on.


Isnt it werid how you can never really remember things as you get older ?, I mean i can remember only a fue things from when i was 3 as apose to things that happened yesterday ?. I can remember pets , friends and holidays. I cant remember things that didnt stand out , i only remember the things that do , the important things. We had a dog called brooke , she was my best friend and i loved her so much, she was hyper but never hurt anyone. she was a boxer dog so you would assume that she was dangerous but she was so loving and dopey. When i was around 6 we had to give brooke away because she was alot to handle, she use to jump out of the window everytime she heard the icecream man. It sucked because i only saw her once after that. Time went on and i eventually got over it. I can remember one thing from when i was 3 , i was at playgroup (kindergarden) when a boy came up to me , he had an illness were his brain worked dfferently , it could have been a mix of ADHD and autisum. he asked me to do up the back of this wedding dress for him , being 3 it didnt bother me so i did, then he asked ' molly will you be the groom' , from that day i always looked out for him. all the way up untill year 4 when he finally left for a special school called tree tops , since then ive only seen him a fue times and he never recognised me. I made friends quite easily. but being young everyone excepted one another no matter what. Me , ellie , rachel and molly h were friends through most of primary school and had a fue fall outs. we had sleep overs , partys and days out after school. I remember ellies 11th birthday party , that really tested who i wanted to be. We were all in the living room watching tv when ellies mum left for work , it was just us girls. Molly was a diebetic and had to do 3 ingections a day. Ellie went into the kitchen and brought out a bottle of lambirini and said ' who wants some' all the girls agreed but i really didnt want to. it was my first taste of peer pressure but there was no way id give in. i kept on saying her mum would find out but she just said id fill it with water. being 11 the girls got drunk easy and i was the only sober one. they all went into the kitchen to watch molly do her ingection, then one of them suggested they check there blood , just for fun , they all did and what was worrying is that they didnt change the needle. it was comming up to 3:30 in the morning and i really need some sleep for a party the next day. i woke at 5 to find that they had drawn all over my face !. luckly it was eyeliner so it washed off. I didnt speek to ellie much after that because i knew what she was turning into.


Living in aveley was ok but the house we lived in was getting old and i always wanted to live somewhere nice. Aveley use to be a nice place but the crime rate in the area was getting higher so it was time to find somewhere new. we found an estate where they were building new houses. Big houses , it was my dream to live somewhere like this and the house we brought wasnt even built yet so it would be brand new !. we waited a fue months watching bricks and wood be turned into our new home. Moving day was huge and all our friends and family helped. i think we had indian that day. me and my sister still shared a room but the house was still huge compared to what we had been living in the last 7 years. walking up two flights of stairs to get to my room everyday was tireing but i got use to it after a while. i didnt make friends strait away, my sister had no problem because the day after we moved two girls my sisters age knocked on the door and asked to be her friend. i wasnt so lucky and for so long i waited for my friend to knock on the door. Because all my friends lived in aveley i didnt see them after school, usually id spend my time in my room playing with my dolls or barbies and in the summer i pretended the patio was a stage and id make up plays. i loved singing and acting from a young age. when i was 3 me and my sister would constently sing atomic kitten 'tide is high'. one day in the summer i was in the garden when there was a knock on the door. a knock i had been waiting for , for so long. Her name was sasha and she lived right next door. sasha was a tom boy. But ive never been one to judge. her parents were devorsed and she lived with her mum. i only saw sasha on weekends because that was when she saw her dad. id always be over there in the garden jumping over the sprinkler or up in her room playing the spunge bob game or singstar. we were inseprable. sashas dad has a wife called tasha. she got pregnant and had a baby called ellie may. ellie was so cute but sasha wasnt getting any attention anymore and even i noticed this. never did i think i would be in the same situation. soon after this sasha wasnt going to her dads as often as she use to and i started to become lonley again. one day Laura , one of my sisters friends came over and told me there was a family who just moved in next door to her. they had three daughters and one was my age. her name was abby. we became friends really easily and would see eacother everyday. abby was just like me. outside my house was a huge field and sometimes the grass woldnt get cut. this was the time me and abby would become explorers. making pathes on the grass and then flatning it to make little rooms. I only ever had one sleepover at abbys and we spent the entire night playing with her dolls house. this beautiful victorian dolls house that i had dreamed of forever. It was snowing one day and me and abby were over the field when a girl had just moved in. she live in this white house that was double the size of mine. her name was samantha and her family were crazy rich. her mum and antie were bond girls and her dad was an american who struck oil. Me, abby and samantha all became friends and spent that day building an iglue out of snow. soon after helena moved into the area and 3 became 4. It wasnt long before our 4 turned into 3 again. abby was moving, it wasnt to a new town or county, she was moving to australia. 24 hours away. this crushed me to know i was lousing a best friend. we spent our last couple of weeks well and on her last week we went to see nemo on ice. it was really cool and a great way to say goodbye. my sister abbie started secondary school and made some friends of her own, mason , lee and callum were people she hung out with. we all use to go to the shops and buy thease sour bomb sweets. they dont sell them anymore. We were all over the field when we found a baby bird on the floor, it couldnt fly and had been knocked out of its nest by a crow, we put it on a frisby and took it to my mum , she agreed to help us nurse it back to health. We named him Daniel and looked after him for a fue weeks. He seemed to be getting stronger and soon we thought we coud set him free. We took him to our great nans because we went there every weekend. Daniel wasnt eating his food and was barely moving , next thing we knew he was gone. I has never whitnessed an animal die and this was the first. My nan made a coffin out of a box and we took him home to bury him in the garden. My mum took us to a pet shop. I had no idea why because we didnt talk about getting another pet. Me and abbie went straight up to this parrot and it started swearing at us, and telling us off for laughing. My mum called us into the back room were there was a box. In that box were baby bunnys. We were getting a bunny !, my mum told me and my sister to pick wisely. After looking we picked a boy and named him hobey after the bunny from the barbie repunzle movie. We loved hobey , he wasnt vicious and would let us pick him up anytime. A fue years after we got hobey abbie got another bunny and called him bonzo. They were both boys and male bunnys dont get on. we had to seporate then before the ate eachother alive. sadly a year after abbie got bonzo he died on halloween. Hobey was 7 when he died. The weird thing was , he died on easter! .Before hobey died , we got a dog. He was a bordercolllie who we named powlo. he was very un obedient so we had alot to teach him. And like brooke he became my best friend. Yeah he ate everything in site but he was so sweet. If i was sad id lie on the floor with powlo just like i use to with brooke.


My family is abit confusing when it comes to my siblings. Conner is my half brother .When my mum was 16 she had my older brother conner. she didnt meet my dad untill 6 weeks after conner was born. When my mum was 19 she had my sister Abigail , 21 she had me and then she had morgan (my other brother) at 24. Even though conner wasnt fully related to me, we still had that brother sister relationship no different to everyone elce. We argued alot over the stupidest things and had our moments where we got on. He use to call me a tramp if i burped . When i look back on it now I wish we never had argued so we could have the relationship we have now. Conner is really tall ,at the age of 16 he was around 6ft 5 and by the age of 20 he was nearly 7ft. I can remember going into secondary school telling people how tall he was but no one believed me. untill he got out of the car one day and all the boys saw. Then they believed me. He always wanted to borrow somthing off me , weather it be my ipod or my twilight dvd's to impress girls. i always gave in and let him borrow my suff then beg for it back later. He moved out just after he turned 18 and from that point we got on really well. everytime i see him now i tell him how much i missed him, because i really did. Me and abigail shared a room from the day i was born. like my relationship with my brother we argued quite a bit , but we only did that from the age of about 7-11. but before and after that time we were best friends. As i went into my teens i depended on my sister for adivse on boys and body problems just like yo would a bestfriend. when we were younger we use to help eachother make our beds. i remember one time when we were putting the quilt on my bed , she was standing at the top end where the wall was and i was at the bottem with nothing to support me if i fell back , and ofcourse i fell back. Me and my sister were always experimenting. we got hairbobble boxes and filled them with tadpols to see if we got frogs but our mum always emptied them. there was one experiment that to this day i found completely rediculess. we had this little picnick basket. we watched a show that said chicks hatch from an egg... we took an egg from the kitchen and put it in this picnick basket and surrounded it with tee towls and tishew hoping that a chick would hatch . it was never going to work but as a five year old i didnt know that. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2013 ⏰

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