An Arranged Marriage to a Vampire (24)

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  • Dedicated to Javont Williams

Hey guyss!!

Sorry i've been AWOL for so long but as some of you know one of my friends was murdered (gun shot to the head) and not to mention all the other shit going on. but so anyways my writing has been mostly crap and i have deleted and wrote this chapter about 23 times literaly. itseemed it was always sad and depressing. but hopefully this is better it's not what i wanted to happen and i planned on going further but i didn't so sorry if it's dark or crappy or both.

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Sorry again!!!




As soon as I signed the last paper the realtor handed use paper stating the house now belonged to us.

I jumped up and squealed, practically jumping into Sontos’s arms.

I placed my hands on either side of his face and gave him a big kiss smack on his lips “muah” I said just for the effect.

I called everyone and invited them over so they could help unpack but in reality I knew they’d complain and I’d end up use my powers to move them and everything where I wanted it.

Everyone pulled in a few seconds after we did.

Perfect timing because the furniture truck arrived a few minutes later.

And as I thought, I ended up using my powers even though my mom, Tanya and Aubrey told me not to and told the guys to act like the men they are.

you would figure it would be no problem with their super strength but no they whined like three year olds.

When Tanya showed me the baby clothes she picked out I almost cried.

They were so tiny and cute.

After a busy day and slightly emotionally evening I was falling asleep on the couch in Sontos’s lap by 9:30.

Everyone said good night and left so I could get some sleep.

I felt Sontos place me on our bed and slid in next to me before pulling the covers over us.

Seconds later I was out.






Glenda’s pov.


I was shocked out of unconsciousness when I felt my body move with out me moving it.

I lurched my body into a sitting position with my arms instinctively wrapped around my stomach.

I whipped my head looking around me quickly.

I felt the bed shift as Sontos shot up next to me.

“ What is it? What’s wrong?” Sontos said words flowing from his mouth.

“ I …..” I began to say before I felt it again.

I jerked my head to look at my stomach.

I grabbed Sontos’s hand and placed it over my stomach where I could feel it moving.

I felt the fluttering motion in my enlarged belly again.

My wide eyes darted up to meet my love’s.

When i planned my future out, I never expected this!Where stories live. Discover now