Chapter 48 - Prison Bound

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DISCLAIMER: I don't know how prison visits work, I have never been to prison, so I do apologise if what I've written is incorrect in your opinion.


Chapter 48 - Prison Bound

Scarlett's POV

My knees felt weak and my palms were sweating as I wiped them down the side of my jeans.

In front of me stood Ashwent Prison in all of its dark and crumbling glory.

It looked like something out of a horror film.

"Hey," a soft voice spoke as I turned around, drawing in a deep breath. "You'll be fine, baby."

"You know, I think I really hate prisons," I mused to myself as Jasper cast me a strange look. "Oh, yeah. I definitely hate prisons."

"Are you feeling okay? I mean, besides the reason why we're here, is there something else?" He asked as I shrugged.

"Nope, I'm good," I muttered as I took his hand, leading him into the building.

I walked up to the main desk, inhaling sharply.

"I'm here to see someone," I spoke politely to the officer sat behind the desk. "Oliver Cameron?"

"Bear with me a moment," he replied as he bent down, presumably to retrieve the papers he proceeded to read. "You're his daughter, is that correct?"

"Yes," I nodded as he raised an eyebrow.

"State your full name and date of birth."

"Scarlett Avery Valentina. June nineteenth nineteen-ninety-one."

"You're nuts, kid," he commented as he shook his head. "He's an absolute raging psycho, God knows it."

"Don't I know it," I murmured drily as we followed the officer.

"You," he turned, speaking to Jasper. "Stay out here."

"Officer, do you have any idea who I am?" Jasper responded, his nose flaring slightly, a clear indication that his ego was now in full control.

"Does it look like I give a shit who you are?"

"I am Jasper fùcking Queen!" He barked his anger surfacing as I took his hand in mine, urging him to calm down.

"You the guy who owns that Queen's Toilet Paper company?" The officer questioned seriously as Jasper looked as though he were about to faint.

"No, Officer, he isn't the guy who owns Queen's Toilet Paper," I intervened before Jasper had the opportunity to get done for assaulting a cop.

"Could've fooled me. His attitude is certainly as shitty as the toilet paper is," the officer commented, turning away as I heard Jasper inhale very sharply.

"Count to ten, baby," I advised him as he shot me a dirty look.

"I'm not having you in there alone with that sick son of a bítch, Scarlett," he snapped. "No fùcking way."

"The hardest part was actually walking through those doors and into the same vicinity as him, Jasp," I admitted truthfully. "I can do this, I promise."

"I don't want -"

"Please? Trust me?" I asked him sincerely as he eyed me carefully before letting out an exasperated sigh.

"Of course I trust you, it's him I don't trust," he said as I shook my head.

"He can't say or do anything remotely threatening, there are eyes and ears on him everywhere," I reassured him as he gave me a weary look.

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