Hello Again.

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Okay so this is my first story ever and I want it to be cool ,chill,interesting, so sit back ,lay down and read on.

. Hello my name is matt im tall-ish for being my age. I have dark brown hair and im a bit more then scawny. And this is me.

Don't people know how hard it is to be able to see the dead well it can be a pain for instance the ghost can see me looking directly at them and knowing that I can see them.  It's hard on me because I'm the only one in my town that can see them. I guess I could see them all my life. When I was little my mom will always say I will talk to people that she can't see. She said I always had a huge imagination, but that's were she's wrong. My very first encounter was when I have as five we were at our annual county fair ,we went everywhere we were leaving and this man that had came from the shadows    had blood all over this clothing. He was a tall man with bloody blonde hair, he look young and he had muscle, but there were huge holes everywhere on his body. My heart was beating my mom looked at me and asked if I was okay. I couldn't move or yell I was still. My eyes glued to the poor man with the bloody holes.My mom shook me out of my trance and I was thankful for that. I had never felt any thing like this in my life. Its hard being me the boy who sees the dead. I made friends over the summer some alive some dead ,okay mostly dead but my best friend max who is very much alive and will always be, listens to me when I say I'm able to see and speek to the dead. He nevers takes me for granted that's what I like about him. He will always have your back no matter what. He's the most friendly,loyal,trustworthy friend I could had ever ask for.

That's my first chapter of many more to come don't worry the ghost won't come I hope

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