Chapter 6 - The Chamber of Secrets

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A/N: I'm really sorry for not updating. I really don't have an excuse. My muse went list and we'll, she, uh noted herself, so just consider this story on hiatus. Ya. So I'll probably update about once or twice a month, but not a lot since school has started.

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The minute I woke up, I shook Kat awake, pestering her about this secret. She still wouldn't tell me!! I really think that she's enjoying this, keeping me in suspense and all.

"I'll tell you after breakfast." Then she gets ready like we have all the time in the world. GAH!! In weekends, instead of serving breakfast from 7:30 to 9:00, they serve it from 7:00 to 10:30. When we finally got down to breakfast at 8:30, Katherine was in no hurry at all to finish until 9:15. I swear, any longer and I would of pulled my hair out.

"I'm full. But before I show you the thing I just have to-"

I interrupted her. "Oh no you don't. You're showing me, and you're showing me NOW!!"

"Alright, alright, I was only kidding. Jeez..." Kat drifted off. "Anyway, I want to try out the passageway in the common room." I started to interrupt, but she continued, "I think that's another way to get to the secret. If it isn't, there's one outside the common room."

I pushed, dragged, pulled, nudged, yanked, shoved and generally hurried Kat up the stairs.

"I am the beginning of eternity
the end of time and space
the start of the end
and the end of every place. What am I?"

Stupid eagle knocker, couldn't ask an easy question, just this once. Like maybe, I dunno, 'what are N.E.W.Ts?' But, nooo, it just has to ask a difficult question, just this once.

"Beginning of eternity, the end of time and space," Katherine muttered to herself, "a riddle, yes." If it's a riddle, then okay. What do 'eternity', 'time', 'space', 'end', and 'place', all have in common? E-T-E-R-N-I-T-Y,
T-I-M-E, S-P-A-C-E, E-N-D, P-L-A-C-E. 'E'!! That's it! Eternity, timE, spacE, End, placE.

"The letter E!" I said.

"Correct." As we scrambled through the the door, evil demon created just to spite me, A.K.A. Katherine, giggled.

"What is so funny?" I snapped. Honestly, what was wrong with this girl. Doesn't she realized that when I need to know something, I need to know something.

"Well, I might if forgotten to mention that there was an entrance outside the common room. . ." Katherine giggled.

"Ahh!" I started to hit Kat hard on the arm, you learn how to hit when you have brothers, but she just kept on giggling. "Just show me the stupid passage way, or I will find out how to use the Curse of Boogies and use it on you!"

"Jeez, relax." Katherine smirked slightly while rubbing her sore arm.

When Kat finally found the set of secret steps, it was 10:00. Pushing Kat down the stairs, I finally figured out what she had found last night. A library. The biggest library I had ever seen.

"And look at this." Kat beckoned me over to a large tapestry. "These are the current heirs to the founders," she said pointing at tapestry, "and you're the heir to Hufflepuff!"

"Hufflepuff?" I said faintly. What! This
was, well not the most ridiculous thing I'd ever heard, but up there with my top ten.
Still grinning widely, she continued, "and I'm the heir to Ravenclaw-"

"What!" I squawked.

"Yeah," Katherine continued as if I hadn't interrupted. "and Longbottom if the heir of Gryffindor, and since guy named Tom Riddle is the heir of Slytherin."

"Longbottom?" I raised an eyebrow at Kat. Said person shrugged apologetically.

"Call out any name, book title, or event that you want to read about. Then duck." Katherine started to move to get her book bag.


"The books will come flying towards you. I found out the hard way." Kat rubbed her head.

"Um, okay then." What would be an interesting topic to read about. Oh! How about our in-house celebrity, Harry Potter! "Harry Potter!" I called out feeling very stupid.


3 hours later:

"Wow! Was that. . .?" Katherine nodded. While I had been reading the book about the freaking future, Katherine had been catching up on all the homework she hadn't done last night. I tried to think about the ending of the book, but I really couldn't recall any details.

"Do you find it weird at all that we can't recall the book at all? Like, any specific details?" Katherine asked.

"You read my mind," I turned to look at the remaining six books, and noticed that my hand had started to subconsciously edge towards them.

"So maybe," Katherine interrupted my thoughts, startling me enough to nearly jump up the air, "you want to go get out this secret passage way a fifth year told me about. Apperently, there's some secret pasage up in the Octagon Tower. Wanna check it out?"

"I'm no Gryffindor, but I can't say no to that."


"Uh, so where exactly is the Octagon Tower. I mean, have you gone to it?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2016 ⏰

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