Of Buttplugs and Barbeques, Asparagus and Queens

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11:33pm Sam: I'm going to the grocery store for food. Do you like asparagus?


12:29pm Sam: Dean. I'm trying to buy food for our trip. I want to grill veggies on the BBQ. Why can't u just tell me if u like asparagus???? I'm assuming u don't. I'm getting it anyway & making u eat it.

12:30pm Dean: U ain't makin me do shit.


2:45pm Dean: we're here! where are you guys?

2:46pm Jess: ur bro insisted we stop at this farmer's market before we're "off the grid" for kale. GOD WHO AM I ANYMORE DEAN???

2:46pm Jess: i hate kale & am bringing my cell phone

2:46pm Jess: plus, home is w/in jogging distance

2:50pm Dean: earlier he was asking me about asparagus. me thinks moose eat greens!!! HAHA

3pm Dean: just get over here before cas & i ditch this cabin and hop in the lake without you

3:03pm Jess: don't. you. dare.


When Sam and Jess finally arrive at Clinton State Park, Dean and Cas are unapologetically snuggled in an extra large hammock, purchased solely because the package claimed to be able to hold the weight of two grown men. When Dean wondered out loud in the middle of Wal-Mart why two grown men would ever be in a single hammock, Cas reminded his partner what exactly two men could do in a hanging bed, if they happened to be limber and fairly well-balanced. Dean knew he was blushing something awful the entire time they stood in line at checkout, but that didn't deter him from buying the damn thing or from challenging Cas to, "prove it," the moment they fixed the hammock between two trees in front of cabin at Clinton Lake they'd be sharing with Sam and Jess for the next seven days.

"Are you going to help us, or...?" Jess grumbles as she pulls two bags from the trunk of Sam's Chevy Silverado, which would be cooler if it wasn't a Hybrid (it's still pretty cool, which Dean will never admit to anyone, EVER) but he ignores his future sister-in-law, pretending to be asleep even as Cas attempts to wiggle out of the canvas bed without either of them falling.

"I know you're not sleeping," Cas growls as he finally gives up and drapes himself over Dean. First he runs his fingers through what Dean calls his summer hiatus beard, the one he can get away with because he's not teaching and he can look a little ragged since no one's paying him not to. Then, Cas squeezes Dean's love handles for good measure, tickling him mercilessly until he lets out a most unmanly squawk and tumbles to the ground in his urgency to escape pokey fingers. Dean's beer in tact more-so than his pride, he dusts off his shorts dramatically and wanders over to Jess and Sam, taking a sip before deadpanning,

"We're only twenty minutes from the house, you realize that right, guys?"

The death-glare Jess directs his way and then targets on Sam is more than enough answer for his next question. He asks it anyway.

"So, Sammy, bring enough supplies, or...?"

"Dean, we are not leaving the park until after Labor Day," Sam huffs and Dean chuckles. "Mission: Annoy Sam" has officially begun. His brother might be seriously losing his mind if he thinks that they're gonna need a tent, a tarp and sleeping bags, seeing as they rented a fully furnished two-bedroom cabin for the week.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2015 ⏰

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