Chapter 4

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Austins P.O.V


We just came back from the beach it was me, Vicky, Ver, Theo my best friend and also Veronica's brother.

We were laying on the beach when Vicky got up and walked to shore she was only wearing a light comono over her peach and gold bikini. Me being a boy ofcourse watched her

I mean come on what kind of boy doesnt look. A gentalmen you would say but I was 15, I was stupid, I made stupid decisions that i regret. Yes I can own up to all my mistakes.


She looked so beautiful in the sun with her surffer tan and straight/curly jet black hair swaying when she walked. I heard other boys cat whistle witch got me mad

I stood up and walked up to her she turned "hey" she said

And that was all it took to make me speachless I quickly shook it off "what the hell are you doing" i spat through clenched teeth

"What do you mean" she said getting angry

"Oh realy cause it looks like your giving every boy here a free show like a slut" i said instantly regretting it

"What the actuall fuck Austin, you should fucking know that im not like that, why are are you even being like this it pisses me off" she glared at me

She was walking away when I tried to grab her but she got loose

"Wait Vick im sorry-" she cut me off

"Save it. You think im a fucking whore look at your self" I could see she was about to cry

Then she did the thing that I never wanted to happen 'SHE LEFT' thats what I always feared her leaving because her leaving always makes me want to break.


Later that day

I went to her house I was throwing little pebbels at her window lightly so i dont break her window when she finally opened it

"What!" She whisper yelled probably trying not to wake up her parents

"I came to appologise" I scratched my neck nervously

"Hold on ill come down" she said yaasssss

"What" she started

"I-im sorry i called you a slut I really didnt mean it. It was just you walked on the sand like a fucking model and I was jealous that boys noticed you I got angry cause I- I "

"Spit it out king"

"Because I like you. I have for a while now and"

"That still doesnt mean you can call me a fucking slut that was a bitch move"

"I know and I regret was just eghh I dont know I- Im a boy we dont like to say our feelings"

"Im still lost. You insulted me because you were jealous. Thats pathetic, your so concieted you think beacuse you were jealous I overreacted when I didnt even know you liked me, thats so fucking shaddy I cant mind read. You've changed and it wasnt a good one. This Austin doesnt treat people kind, you even got angry when kyle hugged me after I almost triped over him, this Austin that so called 'likes' me is a bitch, This Austins a concieted jerk, 'THATS THE AUSTIN I HATE.' " she said then walked in her house closing the door behind her

Those five words were enough to make me hate myself make me have secound thoughts 'thats the Austin I hate' those five words have haunted me ever since

End flashback


Victorias P.O.V

Walking through the hospital looking for room 723 took for ages

720....721....722.... 723


Opening the door I see my dad laying in the bed looking useless hes always had cancer hes fought it even beat its ass but i think this time it came it came to bite hard

Tears were steaming down my face

"Daddy" my voice cracked

"No, no no no Dad no" *sniffle*

"Im sorry I wasnt here, Im sorry for not being a good daughter you deserve I need you in my life daddy. I want- need you to fight i know your strong daddy please. Im sorry for leaving to leave with Aunt Jane I was scared daddy. Im still scared" I cryied so much more than my whole life

"Im sorry to say this but we cant have any visitors at the mome- VICTORIA!!" I looked up to see derek

He was one of my dads bestfriends

"Derek" I squeked

"Aww baby girl come here" he said

I ran into his welcoming arms "why, why him" I cried into his shirt

"Shhh I know honey. But dont think I forgot why my favourite niece disapperd to"

Wait dad didnt tell him huh

I brought my phone out from my back pocket and showed him a picture of the twins
"This is the reason I left their the most precious thing that's happens to me I don't regret them a single bit"

Uncle Derek chuckled "I know I just wanted to see if it was true that my little baby was a mom. I can tell your a very good one. Now I'm very sorry honey but it's rules and he's not allowed visitors at the moment"

Knowing well that I won't win against him and his stubborn head I nod grab my bag and kiss dada head "please wake up soon daddy" I whispers one last time before leaving


A/n Derek is her dad's best friend hes known Vii her whole life so she grew up calling him uncle it stuck

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