Callux & Chelsea

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This one shot is for @lucylue101 Hope you like it!

*Chelsea's POV*
I sighed as I sat in front of the camera, fixing my hair and straightening out my top. "You ready?" Cal asked. I nodded with a smile. He smiled back. "Ok, let's do this." He kissed me on the cheek and turned on the camera.

"Hey guys, Callux here and today I'm doing a brutal challenge with my girlfriend, Chelsea." Cal pointed at me and I waved at the camera. "So, Chelsea is going to be asking me questions I should know the answer to and if I don't..." Cal held up an electronic razor and turned it on. I smiled and grabbed it from him, making him cower in fear. "It's bye bye hair." I said, laughing.

"Ok, first question. Where was I born?" I asked.

"Wreckin Hospital?" Cal replied, although it sounded more like a question then a statement. I looked at him and smiled for a while, he looked at me in fear. "Why aren't you saying anything?" He asked.

I looked away from him and at the camera. "That was... Correct!" I squealed. Cal sighed in relief. I asked another question. "How many years have I been dancing for?"

"Uhh... 5."


"Next question, what is my zodiac sign?"

Cal looked around the room, scared. "Cal?" I asked. He didn't reply. He thought for a while. "I don't know..." He quietly said. I smirked and turned on the razor. He looked at it with fear. "Please..." He whispered, finally looking at me. I laughed and told him he had 10 seconds left to come up with an answer. He looked down at the floor, mumbling to himself as I started counting down.

"10... 9... 8..."

"Come on Chelsea give me a minute!"

"7... 6... 5..."

"I don't remember your birthday, for fuck sake!"

"4... 3..."

"Ok ok! Uhhh... Cancer!"


"What?" Cal's face fell as he realised what was about to happen. 

"I'm a Virgo or a Libra. It changes."


I laughed as I lifted the razor to his head and started shaving. I didn't really pay attention to what I was doing, I just wanted to fuck up his hair really bad.

"What the fuck?!? What did you do?" Cal yelled as he looked into a mirror. I couldn't reply, I was too busy choking on the air and laughing. Then I remembered he didn't remember my birthday. "You don't remember my birthday do you?"' I asked. Cal looked at me silently. "I think you should lose some more hair." I laughed. He widened his eyes at me. "Please..."

I shook my head at him and started cutting away, laughing as I did. He had lost a quarter of the hair he had started with, and it wasn't just in one place, I had shaved hair off of different parts of his head.

"Ok, next question. What am I studying at Uni?"



Cal sighed in relief and looked at the camera, "I'm breaking up with her after this." I looked at the camera and back to Cal, sticking my middle finger up at him. "You won't be able to find anyone else." I laughed. He shook his head and stared at the camera, giving it weird looks.

"Ok. Last question, what do I want to become?"

"Uhhh... A nurse?"

"More specific."

"Well how the fuck am I meant to know?"

"I've told you this before!"

Cal thought for a while. "No... No, I don't know." He said as he shook his head.

"I want to be a paediatric nurse."

"Is that a foot doctor?"

I stopped laughing and looked at Cal. He was being serious. I covered my face with my hands. "Oh my god, I have a really dumb boyfriend." I mumbled. I looked up and Cal was watching me with an amused look on his face. I rolled my eyes. "Bring your head."


We had finally finished the video and had cleaned up the hair all over the floor. Cal looked like a homeless, insane peadophile and everytime I looked at him I would burst out laughing.

"What you laughing at?" Cal asked as he walked into the room.

"You." I said as I pointed at him.

"Chelsea... You're asking for it."

"You already look like a rapist, don't make it worse."

Cal looked at me with a small smile on his face. I stopped laughing and watched him as he put on his creepy face. It looked even scarier with his haircut. "Cal...?" I asked. He stayed silent.

Suddenly, he jumped onto me and started tickling me. I yelled and screamed, quickly running out of breath. "Cal please, stop!" I laughed.

"Say I look hot!"

"You look like a peado!"

He tickled me even more. I yelled and finally gave in, screaming he was hot. He stopped and looked down at me whilst he was hovering over me. I caught my breathing back and calmed down. I looked up at him and we fell into a trance.

"The fans will love you." Cal whispered as he put a strand of hair behind my ear.

"You think?"

"Yeah. I love you, they will love you too."

I smiled. "I love you Cal."

"I love you too Chelsea."

We connected our lips and melted into the moment. I smiled into it. Everything was great.

So I might have been stupid and thought a paediatric nurse was actually a foot doctor... They help with babies.

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