Chapter Four

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I trembled with fear as Fang stood over me, with Nylon and Astro behind him.

Allen was dead. He was gone, because of me. It was my fault! He died, trying to protect me... And I stood there, watching him die, because I was too useless to do anything to help.

The rabbit hid in a hole in the wall of the den, trembling with fear as the loomed over me, snarling and growling.

"Astro... How do you feel about your sister abandoning our pack...? Fang wagged his tail. Astro glared at me and turned his muzzle toward Fang.

"She isn't my sister. She is a filthy loner!" Astro growled with pure hatred. I flinched at his tone and glare.

"This happened before, Hope... I gave you a chance... This time... You will receive full punishment." Fang curled his lip and placed a paw forward, "Astro... Nylon... Take care of her."

In a single second, they were both on me, clawing at my skin, causing scratches and painful seers of pain through my body. I was pinned down in an instant. Nylon chomped down on my tail, causing me to howl out in pain. Astro bit my ear, ripping it off. My whole face burned with pain as I whimpered and barked, howling as they nearly killed me. Blood poured down my face, blinding me in my left eye.

"Alright... I think she is bleeding enough... We shall leave her." Fang turned, and swayed his tail, "Let's go, Astro... Nylon. Leave her. Let her suffer..." Fang walked out of the den. Nylon quickly followed behind and Astro stared down at me, his eyes glazed with what seemed to be sadness.

"Hope... I wish you would have never made the choices you made... Today, and then..." Astro whimpered, "I'll miss you... Hope... I'm sorry." He nuzzled my muzzle before raising his head up and walking out of the den. I reached my paw out to him as he turned his rear to me. I whimpered, my eyes clouding with pain and sadness.

"H-Hope..." The rabbit's trembling squeak was all I could think of, "H-Hope!" The rabbit hopped into my blurred vision, squealing with worry, "I-I..." He paused, and glanced back at the open den entrance, before looking back at me, and turning away.

I whimpered, but I was too weak to say anything as the rabbit began to hop his way to freedom, leaving me to die. I guess this was my fate.... To die...

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