Me: YAY! More people! :333 introducing all my real life friends that I stuffed into this book without their permission!
frosty-the-kitsune as Frosty!
Kurumi-bestie-sama as my bestie Kurumi!
Ogama: hi!
Kuroma: haii!
Frosty: hiya!
Kurumi: hello!
Me: what do you wanna do?
Frosty: be random and eat tea and biscuits :P
Me: k. Soooo, do you guys have any books coming up?
Others: none at the moment
Me: since this is my new account I've got millions of book ideas, ranging from a story I did for homework, some stories inspired by other stories, and millions of trillions of billions of ideas stored in my head that are hoping to come to use, a lot of horrible ideas are stored at the back--
Kurumi: .3.
Ogama: I've heard enough -3-
Kuroma: have you got any better ideas? .-.
Frosty: *comes back from somewhere with a tray of tea and biscuits* TEA, BISCUITS, BISCUITS FAK THIS TEA! (I will love you if you get this reference XD)
Kuroma: what's with that last part?
Ogama: it's tea and biscuits but I don't get it .-.
Kurumi: I get it lol
Me: WTF? WE DONT EVEN HAVE A KITCHEN HERE, HOW DID YOI GET THOSE? And I get the tea and biscuits thing XDDD
And then we spend all the rest of the time talking about random stuff while drinking tea and eating biscuits. :3 what a lovely chapter.
Me: YAY IM BORED, BYE BYE!Everyone: *does a funny dance and dies*
Kurumi: wait, we're authors, we're immortal.
Kuroma: lol true
Frosty and Kurumi: *holds up a sign saying 'and that's all for today!'
All: sayonara~!
(Wtf is going on in my mind these days)