The letter

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'There's..this letter..from the Southern Isles', Kai said.
Elsa was distracted by hearing his words. 'The Southern Isles you say? Why would they send me a letter? There's no reason for that, is it?'
'Your majesty, I haven't read the letter, because it is adressed to you'
Elsa takes a deep breath and says: 'Thank you for telling me, Kai. Do you know where Anna is?'

Right at that moment, Anna came to Elsa to take her to the village square to celebrate her birthday.
'Elsa! Well, are you ready?' said Anna with a great smile.
'Everybody is waiting for you outside!'
Elsa hided the letter behind her back and decided to not telling Anna about it.
'So Elsa, are you coming?' 'Oh yes! I'm coming', said Elsa with a nervous tone.
Anna knew that there was something wrong with Elsa, only because the way Elsa said those words. 'Elsa? Is there something wrong?'
Elsa hesitated. Should she tell Anna about the letter or just keep it a secret? No, she can't tell it right now. Not on this day.
' there's nothing wrong. I'm just nervous about the party'
'Oh Elsa, don't worry about that! You can control your powers now so there's no need to be nervous!'. 'You're right, Anna, now let's go!' and so they went to the village square.

When they arrived at the castle's gates, Anna said quickly: 'Elsa, wait! You have to close your eyes!' 'Close my eyes? Why?' 'Don't ask! Just do it!' 'Well, okay then' Elsa laughed.
The gates opened and Anna leaded Elsa to the middle of the square. 'Okay, you may open them now!'
Elsa opened her eyes and saw that the square was full of Arendelle's citizens, who all yelled 'SURPRISE' when she opened her eyes. Elsa realised that they all came here to celebrate her birthday and she felt a great feeling of happiness. 'Anna, you really did this for me?' 'Yes, do you see somebody else who's birthday it is today?'. Elsa laughed,' No, thank you, Anna. I love you,' 'I love you too, Elsa'. And they gave eachother a big hug.

During a dance, the letter fell out of Elsa's dress. Elsa didn't know that, but Anna saw it. She took it from the ground and looked at it critically and read the words The Southern Isles. She walked to Elsa to confront her with it. 'Elsa..? This fell out of your dress. Why were you hiding this for me?'
Elsa was surprised.
'Anna, I didn't want to ruin this day. It's the first day we celebrate something after I froze the whole city, but I haven't read it if that makes you more happy' 'You could have told me about it, Elsa, you know you can trust me' 'Yes..I know, Anna, I'm sorry'. For a moment, Elsa was afraid that her powers took over again, but she was glad it didn't happen. 'It's fine, Elsa, but tell me such things earlier next time,okay?' 'I will'

'Pfew, is it that late already?, Elsa looked at the clocktower,' I think it's time for everyone to go home. Thank you all for this great day!' She turned to Anna,'and I think it's time for us to take a moment and read the letter'. Anna came to Elsa and put an arm around her,' I think that's a good idea'.

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