Mystery Man

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||Chapter 1||

~Valentina's POV:

The screen loaded and loaded. It seemed as if i was staring at this rainbow circle for hours.


'Items Purchased' appeared upon the screen.

"YESSS!!!" I shouted sending my brown tabby cat flying out of the room.

I had just bought my One Direction concert tickets. I feel infinite at the moment. Nothing anyone can say or do at this time will crush this feeling in me.

I have been a pledge Directioner for 3 years now, and this is the FIRST concert of them i will have EVER been too. CRAZY HUH?! Yup. I CANT WAIT.

The concert was in 2 months so i had time to get in my best shape and look so Niall Horan will fall in love with me. Okay before you start, yes, i know he will never fall in love with me but i have my dreams okay!? Aand for your information, I, obviously, am a Nialler girl. I have been since x-factor.

Through the fetus, the crooked teeth, which i loved, the braces, the hair changes, and now the fresh non-braced teeth. Forever and alwaysss.

* * * * * * * * * *

It's the day of the concert, I am freaking out. My long wavy dirty blonde hair was straightened and i had on a black, COMME *de* FUK DOWN, beanie. My shirt was a baggy, black, brown, brown-red, and white tribal print crop top. It came to the middle of my belly button. I wore dark denim Hollister shorts and my red vans. My make up was more neutral, light brown eyeshadows, cover up, mascara, bottom eyeliner, and top eyeliner with a bit of a wing.

I was waiting outside of the gates I was supposed to enter with hundreds of screaming pretty directioners. I began fumbling with my fingers and playing with my hair. A sign I was thinking too much or was feeling insecure, in this case, its both. I was nervous it wouldn't be all i wanted it to be. I was scared that if i did have a chance to meet my idols, the man i've been dreaming to meet for 3 years, that they would just see me as another crazy fan. I was worried i wouldn't mean anything to them. That i was just another, nothing special about me. But they have changed my entire life. They are the reason I'm still here. They are the reason the scars disappeared. They are my everything.

The gates opened and out stepped 9 security guards there to collect our tickets and direct us. We all formed 9 lines and it slowly moved forward.

When it was my turn I stood in front

of a tall, buff man. He took my ticket and i gave an awkward smile. He ignored it. Sweat started to form at my forehead and neck when he squinted his eyes to get a better look at my ticket. After minutes of waiting he final met my eye contact, a sympathetic look filled his face and i braced myself for the worst.

"I'm extremely sorry, this ticket is fake. Where did you get them?" He asked handing back my ticket.

Hurt filled my body and all i wanted to do was cry. I eventually was able to give him the website, he wrote it down on a white note pad.

"I'm sorry but you're going to have to leave. " Were the last things i was able to comprehend before arms of the people behind me pushed me away for their chance. I heard a couple of mumbled sorries from some girls. But nothing could fill the empty feeling i was left with.

I found my way to the edge of the arena and sat down on a curb. I tried to hold it in but i knew the tears were coming. I wasn't going to hold them down anymore. The moment i thought that, the tears began to fall. Harder and harder they flooded out my eyes.

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