Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

I don't think I had ever been that mad in my entire life. The moment the bell rang, I rushed out of the classroom and to the guidance department to see what they could do about switching Emmett out of the class. Unfortunately, Emmett had willingly signed up for the class. There were only three options that could get him out of the class:

He had to request by the end of the week to transfer to a different class

He had to fail out of the class

He could pass out of the class, but I had to administer the test, grade it, and decide if he was ready for Piano II

Once I found out these were my options, I knew I was screwed. The first option wouldn't work because I knew some sadistic part of Emmett enjoyed tormenting me. Although he certainly had no respect for the course, he would do anything to keep his good class standing, so failing out definitely was not an option. And I was too stubborn and prideful to pass him out of the class. I would rather die than give him the satisfaction of saying he was qualified enough to move onto a harder class without taking the introductory course. I wouldn't hear the end of it. And although he and I knew I was leagues above him, having him even an inch closer to my abilities made my skin crawl. So, I would put on my big girl pants and deal with him.

I angrily stormed back to the chorus room and wasn't surprised to find that they still hadn't started rehearsing even after ten minutes into the block. For a great choir, they sure were slow to rehearse. My little sister, Ann, rushed to my side, wrapping her arms around me in a tight hug. She and a few other younger looking students had flocked around me. I immediately noticed the overly enthusiastic one from my keyboard class. What was her name again, oh I promised myself I would remember hers...

"So Quinn told us all that you told Emmett off in your keyboard class." Ann began. Thankfully she had saved me from the awkwardness of forgetting my own student's name.

"Is it true?" A freshman I didn't recognize asked. What was with all of them being so eager?

"I can't answer that." I replied smoothly, though I knew my facial expression gave it all away. The six or so girls around me squealed with delight and I was called away from the group of girls by two of my choir friends, Fleur and Selena.

I had known Selena for about three years. We both had some general courses together our freshman year, but sophomore year when she joined the choir and when I played for them, we actually became friends. She was incredibly short, probably 5'3 with tan skin, dark brown hair and brown eyes. She was incredibly smart, one of the top students in our grade, but unlike the typical top students, she wasn't a jerk about it. She was incredibly humble, a refreshing change from the normal top student.

Fleur was almost the opposite of Selena. She was incredibly tall, almost six feet. She had incredibly pale skin, almost porcelain, long blonde hair, and bright blue eyes. She was incredibly thin and in shape, a dancer. Unfortunately, last year, the dance program got cut as a regular academic class, and Fleur wanted another arts credit. So, she auditioned for the choir, and so far, hadn't shown any indication to regretting her decision. Fleur was also a pretty high ranked student in our class. Not as high as Selena, but her grades and GPA certainly weren't terrible by any means.

"How was your summer?" Selena asked after releasing me from her hug. "I'm so upset I only got to see you once over break." I had spent my entire summer in Maine at the Bowdoin International Music Festival Summer Study. We got to work under great instructors every day and even got to perform for other famous musicians every once in a while in master classes. It was a great experience and I was glad I had participated in it, but as Selena had said, I only got to spend a couple days with the few friends I had. I kept up with them via text, but it just wasn't the same as actually spending time with them.

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