I Dare You...

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Chipped and dirty fingernails crusted with dried blood curled around the handle of a knife, your bare chest marred with scratches outlined in soil and debris from the woodland floor.

I smiled and kicked the girl's dead and lifeless body out from underneath you, her crimson hair the same colour as her blood on your hands. Tracing my hands over your shoulders, admiring the way in which I made you breathe faster.

I rested my head against your sweating back, disregarding the slickness of your skin, drinking in the sound of your accelerated heartbeat.

I loved the way I made you react. Unmoving, you waited until I had slinked my way in front of you, dragging my hands delicately around your frame before raising them to link behind your tensed neck. Looking up into your eyes, I saw an intense array of emotions: grief, fury, betrayal and love. You were seeking acceptance - struggling to come to terms with your actions.

I smiled at you, hope began to glow from within your angelic blue eyes.

A metallic clang sounded as you finally managed to release the knife, the blade's abscence representing more than we could ever put into words. Within a breath you had wrapped me up in your warm embrace, nuzzling your head deep into the curve of my neck, running my fingers through your mahogany hair, I encouraged you to let it out, to release all of the pent up emotions, and it was not long, before your sobs began wracking your body as we embraced eachother.

We were alive.

We were free.

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