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Chapter 12
( 1 week later)
Finns pov :
I was in Dr.Tanners office for a session and we were both silent until she said , "So Finn tell me something about Rachel. " She said. "Like what?" I asked. "Anything , like her favorite color." She said. "Pink ." I said. "Okay whats her favorite musical?" She asked. "Funny Girl." I said. "And favorite food?" She asked. "Pasta. I'm sorry what does this have to do with fixing our marriage?" I asked her. "Everything. " She said. "Like what? " I asked. "Thats for me to know and when the times right you will find out." She said . "I just want my wife back Dr.Tanner , I love her so much and all I ever wanted was for us to be happy for her to be happy but latley I don't know how to make her happy again . " I said. She smiled and said, "Finn , Rachel and you went through something that no parent should ever have to go through . You both lost a child , and thats the worst thing that a person can go through. " She said. "Its all my fault. " I said. "What do you mean?" She asked me. "When Rachel told me about her being pregnant I was panicked I acted happy around her but truth is I was scared out of my mind it's my fault the baby died. " I said. "Finn, its not your fault, its not Rachels fault , its no ones fault. Its just fait and I know that you must feel awful. But every father is nervous the first time its just natural. You can't blame yourself what happened and I'm sure Rachel doesn't blame you either. " She said . "All I ever wanted for her was to be happy. To feel protected and loved and happy . Shes my whole world and how am I suppose to make her happy if she won't even let me in ?" I asked. "Maybe Rachel is not the problem here maybe its your self consence that is making it hard for you . " She said. "What do you mean by that ?" I asked. "Well maybe you and Rachel are so busy trying to stay strong for eachother that you've forgotten to be there for eachother rather then keep it all in . " She said. "What are you saying ? " I asked . "I'm saying maybe you and Rachel need to open up to eachother rather than shut your feelings out." She said . "Do you think that would work?" I asked. "You never know until you try." She said.

Rachels pov :
"Rachel you can come in now." Dr.Tanner said . I got up and walked into the room and sat down next to Finn .

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