4. Winter Is Coming

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A-N- Hi guys :) I told you it was coming!

Ahhh so it's kinda short? Mehh it's cause it's Robb and he's just not my favorite- and I suck when it comes to battle plans... *looks awkwardly around room*

But here it is anyway :D I hope it's good enough- I swear the next chapter will be better, and the one after that even better!

I love you all for reading and sticking with me <3 Enjoy!

Robb Stark felt more tired now than he ever had in his life; tired because he had spent all night pouring over battle plans, tired because he couldn't choose his own marriage, and tired because of the sadness his father's death had caused. But also, he had never felt more powerful than in these moments. What prevented him from hours of needed sleep was what would avenge his father's death and save the people of The Seven Kingdoms, his given marriage was result of a treaty made to reach a mile stone in the war he fights, and his father's death made him not only Lord of Winterfell, but King in the North. King.

Robb was fighting a battle that he never thought he would fight. The Seven Kingdoms all once united under Robert Baratheon, were now just seven kingdoms being fought over by six different kings; and many more would-be-rulers hiding behind those six.

"My Lord," Ser Roose Bolton adressed Robb as he entered, bowing his head.

"Ser," Robb nodded before rolling up the map he was currently reading and pulling out a new one, "I require your council. I believe I found our next best move."

Ser Bolton crossed the stone floor of Robb's study where he held his councils and looked on to the plans Robb had laid, "Interesting. Very unexpected, but very clever, my Lord." Robb smiled proudly as Roose praised his idea, "Send me to Riverrun."

"Pardon?" Robb shook his head as the sudden command took him by surprise.

"If it please you, send me to Riverrun, my Lord."

"And what purpose might that serve, I ask you. Nothing but fisherman and their villages down there."

"Exactly, my Lord. Your enemies might seek to make port there and capture the North, including Winterfell, from behind you as your eyes look to King's Landing."

"What enemies might that be? Lords Stannis and Renly march on each other and then on Joffrey in King's Landing while Tywin Lannister watches his daughter and bastard grandson from Harenhaal. The Kingslayer rests under our hold, so if Tywin and Cersei look anywhere, it would be to our front."

"I speak of the Greyjoys, your Grace."

Robb let out a bark of laughter, "I sent Theon to his home to gather his father's ships under my name and to have them raise their banners in effort to-"

"Yes, my King, I know. In effort to sail into port in King's Landing while we march on the front gate. And you have sent your mother to Lord Renly in effort to have him ecouraged to march on the Lannisters first. I know, my Lord. But we have not heard news, good or bad, from Greyjoy."


"Still," Roose confirmed.

"Theon is a friend, a close advisor, and my father's ward. He would never-"

"Do such a thing if he were accompanied," Roose supplies, "But, your Grace, one does strange things when not watched."

"Or stranger things when watched," Robb mumbled.

"Exactly. If not send me to Riverrun, then at least watch your back. I will go wherever your Grace deems fit to send me. I am yours, and my men too are yours."

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