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Hiyah guys .hope u enjoy my book and plz comment and tell me wat yall think .

X Naomie

*Chapter one*


I sat in th cafeteria not making eye contact with anyone.I picked at the food that lay in front of me not once eating it as I wasn't hungry.

I heard loud laughing of both males and females.I recognised these laughs extremly well as they had been used to laugh at me a lot.

The laughing began to pipe down as I knew they were approching me.

Incase your wondering who "they" are they are the popular people in school.

They bullied me . well I'm your typical geek.like litterally.

I wear glasses and have braces to match. I have dull light black hair which only reached my shoulders I had it in the same style everyday which was a loose low messy ponytail. I wore over dated big clothes.that are not attracting at all. I wear no make up and I'm redicoulously smart and quiet. I have no friends as everyone hates me.

I felt someone standing behind me.I didn't dare to look up to see who it was as I just wanted the everyday ritual of them teasing me to be over.

2 more hours left till the school year was over and I wouldn't have to see these fuckers faces till next semester.the one I was looking most foward to get away from is braxton miller.I hate him with a passion. for my whole high school life he has made my life hell by bullying me with his friends.

"Ah the year is finally over ayye charlie boy" said braxton from behind me.I kept my focus on my hands which lay on my lap.I kept my face emtionless.

People began to luagh.I had decided that silence was the best option when

Dealing with braxton.

He moved to stand right infront of me.he looked pissed.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you you ugly piece of shit."He spat out angrily.

I didn't move my eyes from my hands.

Before I had time to move I was pushed harshley onto the floor.my glasses fell off.

I began to crawl on the floor hastly in search of my glasses.my vision was so blurry that I couldnt see a thing.

I began to breathe hysterically as I was panicking.I needed my glasses.I was as blind as a bat.

"You looking for somthing charlie boy"I heard a voice say.it sounded like skyler braxtons bestfriend and one of my bullies.

I heard a loud crack noise.I froze knowing someone broke my glasses.

"Oops"said another icy voice.it was braxton.

I was still on my hands and knees when suddenly I felt my body go cold and I could smell raspberry.the cafeteria bursted into laughter.I can't believe this.someone had spilt strawberry milk all over me.oh no I'm allergic to raspberries.shit.

I then started looking for my glasses again because I wanted to get out of here before my allergy kicked in.when I came in contact with anything strawberry my face would swell up and I would get rashes all over.when I found them I clumsily shoved them on.there was two big cracks in both lenses but I could still see.

As I stood up I was hit with another splash of raspberry milk at me.it was braxton who was throwing raspberry milk at me.my allergy had already kicked in as I felt my face was swelled up and I looked down at my arms which were covered in red rashes that looked disgusting.i looked around the cafeteria as people looking at me with disgust and were laughing so hard that there was tears in their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2013 ⏰

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