Chapter: 4

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It was about an hour ago now that Chris told me about this beautiful woman who was coming to our show. Given I have seen many women who were attractive in my day but Chris has known this lady for pretty much his whole life, and well when your best friend says that you would make a perfect couple and you are single that  means you better make yourself look presentable to even have a chance ha. I went to our dressing room, grabbed a new change of clothes that I had just bought yesterday, my new fluffy towel and my soups and shit and went to the shower. I turned on the water and stripped, getting in. The hot water felt amazing sense I have not showered in hmm..... 2 weeks. Being on tour is amazing and all but you will be lucky to find a shower ha. You normally just get to sponge bathe the important parts... you know them.  

I was in the shower washing up when I heard a girl scream, I figured it was just a fan outside or something so naturally I didn't think much of it and continued. I heard the door  and froze momentarily. "what the fuck?" I thought silently as I peeked around the curtain. I saw through the cracked bathroom door that Chris had just walked out smirking and he looked at the couch. "Hmm that peculiar?"  I shrugged to myself   figuring he left me an outfit or something and continued my shower.  I began to sing a random song I had written as I finished up. When I finished I wrapped a towel loosely around my waist and got out. I was still humming my song when I heard the couch move outside the door, I instantly panicked. Oh shit.. my clothes are out there on that couch... 

I slowly opened the door and peeked around the corner and say this GORGEOUS girl laying down using my clothes as her pillow, As I looked over her I noticed her shirt read "Devin Sola's Angel of death" with my face on her shirt. (Picture on this chapter is the one on her shirt)  I smiled instantly. This must be the woman Chris told me about. She is so beautiful . I could feel myself starting to become aroused and panicked yet again, I cannot meet this woman for the first time and had a boner. fuck.  I instantly thought of things I hate and find disgusting  trying to kill it. After a few minutes t was gone.. "Phew" I sighed out then instantly covering my mouth because i said it loudly. 

 "Devin, are you okay in there? Do you need your clothes? Because you know I wouldn't mind to see you in a towel..." I gulped and slowly moved forward I could feel myself blush. I slowly opened the door and stepped out "Who are you and how did you know it was me in there?" I asked shyly. She just chuckled and handed me my clothes. "A woman has her ways Devie darling, now... do you want your pants or are you gonna just stand there commando?"  I blushed deep and felt my manhood twitch again. Oh no.. not again She ill notice for sure now! I anxiously thought to myself. She was smiling constantly, her eyes glistening in the dim lights my heart beat quickened and I knew I was already in love with this woman. 

She suddenly  giggled and I snapped out of my unknown trance and smiled at her. "What is funny lil' missy?"  She got up and leaned on the couch arm and looked at me,  and she smiled. "Your NOT so little friend has come up from down south Devin." I looked at her confused but the leaned back and looked me up and down, her gaze staying on my groin. I let out a "eep" and quickly tried my best to hide my erection. Suddenly she got up and lifted my face and looked at me, her eyes half lidded and she leaned in and whispered in my ear. "You know Devin, I like a sexy man with a big package.... especially one as sexy as you" 

 She trailed her nails gently down my neck and back, sending intense shivers down my back, making be jump and my towel fell. I froze. There we were I was buck ass naked with this gorgeous girl in front of me who clearly has a thing for me and to make that worse I had a throbbing erection that was now free from the confinements of the towel. She got up and locked the door and shut the window curtain, slowly walking back to me. All I could do was gulp and stare at her gorgeous body as she slowly walked back to me and trailed her hands over my shoulders.  

She looked at me dead on and said "We better take care of your ...problem Devie? Would you like that?" I couldn't move or speak and she spanked my ass lightly "I asked you a question Devin." I gulped and stuttered out "Y-yes I would l-like that." She leaned forward and kissed me gently I wanted to deepen the kiss badly but I knew that I couldn't as I was supposed to be the submissive this time around. She continued to tease me then when she finally put her mouth around my shaft I almost blew my load then.

 After 20 minutes I came hard down her throat. and surprisingly she never gagged and she swallowed every drop. I chuckled  and all I could say was "Wow you're good." I sat on the couch and got dressed. I finished her and my makeup right as there was a knock on the door. "Yo Dev! Lacey! It's time for the show get your asses out here!" I could tell it was Ricky and I chuckled and looked at Lacey, hugging her. 

"Lacey I know this is a bit oddly timed but would you mind being my Girlfriend...please?" She jumped up into my arms and kissed me a huge smile spread across her face. "Fuck yes Devin!"  I spun her a huge smile on my face as well as I carried her out and set her side stage on a chair with a little foot  rest for her ankle. I kissed the top of her head, grabbed my Bass and went out on stage. I don't care for my costume tonight, I am now truly happy again so I don't need the mask to hide my tear stained face any longer.  

 As Chris began to scream "devil's night" all I could think as I sang back up vox was, I will definitely have to thank Chris later.

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