BANG BANG as the attic door opened. Suddenly a black figure that silohetted a shadow darted acroos the landing and into my room.
"Stevie!" my mom shouted " time for school." I didnt want to leave this thing in my room, but it looked like i had to. I hopped into the car and rummaged through my stuff and got out my notepad i started to draw out what the strange figure looked like. It looked mostly like a shadow but had red beaming eyes and a pale white mouth.
I got out the car and headed towards the school gates. I entered and every person had there attention on me and i grew self conciouse. Like i had changed. I ran quickly into the girls toilets and stared at my reflection in the mirror, to be greeted by the same beaming red eyes that the figure from my attic had. I was starting to look like it, i had the same blood red eyes and pale white lips. I looked from the mirror in disbeleif before looking into it again. I heard vioces saying things in my head but i couldnt quite hear them, until there was red wrighting on the mirror infront of me saying HELP ME.
A scream escaped my small lips in fear. i ran out the toilets as fast as my little legs could carry me, and my scream got louder. A kind teacher came over and helped me to calm down. Another teacher rang my mom and told her to come and pick me up.
My mom came through the reception doors. I ran to her and gave her a loving hug as she took me into her arms. We walked from the reception doors and got into the car.
I hesitantly stumbled from the car and stood onto the haunted grounds of my home. My mom grabbed my small hand in hers and led us to the front door. My mom grasped hold of the house keys and unlocked the front door.I walked into the creepey house still holding on to my mother i heard the floor boards creeking as i did a step at a time. A noice i never heard befor came from my creepey room i walked up the stairs as slowley as i could and in to my room there it was the figure!!!