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My parents and I were in the Bahamas for the weekend and all my mom could talk about is me getting a life since we got here and me replying with a shrug and saying random stuff like Shrek Is Love Shrek Is Life... heh she still doesn't know ;).

"Honey, I need to get going." My dad said while kissing my mom.

"The meeting can wait." She replied and kissed him again.

"Shame shame, we know your name," I cowered behind my hands as both my parents just chuckled and said their goodbyes before he left.

I opened my 3DS right before my mom closed it and said, "Let's get some air and go shopping, yeah?" She smiled.

"Mom. Shopping is so lame." I stated, getting up and grabbing a fresh chocolate covered strawberry from the chocolate fountain.

"Aww please." She pouted. And you see where I get my childish side from.

I crossed my arms, looking at my mom in the eye and squinted with extreme intensity. "Fine."

Around an hour later we both had a bag full of cheap $20 items so we decided to stop by a nice ice cream parlor.

"I'll have a double chocolate chip swirl." My mom told the employee as he scooped ice cream into a cone and handed it to her.

"And I'll have the rainbow sherbet in a cup," I added knowing how messy I am.

We sat outside on the veranda in the back and watched the waves attack people while calmly eating our ice cream.

"So, have you thought about getting a boyfriend?" She asked as she continued to watch people running away from the water on the beach.

"Nope." I replied popping the P. "I want some time to relax."

"Lol Shy. You haven't been in a relationship in two years." I shot her a death glare as she chuckled. "Besides there's this CEO that is only two years older than you and he's total eye-" I interrupted by holding my hand up.

"Stahp." I waved my hand and threw my trash away. "It'll come to me naturally." I shrugged

"Yeah, your natural is me never living to see my grandchildren." She scoffed.

"Hey, ...let it go." I quoted my mom's favorite Disney movie... I'd secretly pay to see that movie disappear. Just kidding.

As soon as we got back to the Suite we were welcomed by the sound of multiple voices coming from the kitchen area.

"I'll put these in my room," I called and walked the opposite way from my mom.

I quickly ran into the room I was staying in and plopped the bag of stuff I just bought, onto my bed and immediately walked to the mirror then fixed my hair knowing my mom would probably call me out any minute.

I braided a section of my hair on one side and Bobby pinned it back. I combed my short straight black hair then threw on a loose green 'Attack On Titan' shirt then walked out just as my mom was calling me.

"Coming!" I yelled and quickened my pace towards the Kitchen. "Oh, sup home skillet biscuit," I said nonchalantly as I hugged one of my dad's good friend, Mr. George Bond.

"Beautiful as ever." He admitted then pulled me into a tight hug.

"Watcha doin' here bub?" I asked him.

"My son's the CEO of my company now and I wanted to see how he's doing."

I put my hand over my heart and acted hurt. "You never told me you had a son bubba... is he a hunk?" I wiggled my eyebrows and playfully nudged his side with my elbow.

"See for yourself. He's coming here to eat your mother's signature steak tonight for dinner." My eyes lit up when he said Steak.

"You had me at Steak." My mouth watered as they chuckled.

"Well, I better start cooking so get out." My mom swatted us away before we walked to the living room.

"I brought my Xbox One... wanna play?" I asked George.

"Actually I have to chat with your father."

"It's cool." I smiled then let them leave to another room.

After 40 minutes of changing games because of boredom, I finally settled on 'Rise' as soon as my mom finished and set the table.

"Shy can you get it." My mom yelled over my banter.

"Get what?" I asked.

"The door." She replied.

"After I finish the objective," I called out with my eyes glued to the screen.

"Nevermind I'll get it." She gruffed knowing to never tell a gamer to pause their game before they finish the mission.

I was leaning closer and closer to the TV practically on the front of my chair as I was getting to the last swarm of people I had to kill before I can save the game. "Come on, come on," I said steadily... then the worst happened.

"Shy time to eat." My dad said after he pulled the plug. I slouched and groaned in misery before shooting my dad the deadliest glare I can muster up but I failed when he stuck his tongue out at me. "C'mon peanut, our guests are here." He said and left to another room.

I quickly fixed my hair as I walked into the dining room and to say George's son is a hunk... is the biggest understatement in the entire universe. He's an absolute beast... a sexy beast.

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