The Sleep Over PT. One

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"Well, it looks like I'm blocked out from my home." He looked at me with big puppy dog eyes. It took me a while to get his gist before I sighed and said, "fine. You can come to my house for the night." I made a detour to my house.

"Well if you insist." He said with a small smile.

I looked at him as we came to a red light and gave him my 'really?' Face before speeding ahead to see what the night has a hold for us.


"I'm home!" I yelled and threw my keys in the basket then told Hunter to follow me upstairs.

"You can put your stuff in here this is the guest room." I told him and pointed to a room across from mine.

"Who's that?" My dad popped up from the corner.

"Just Hunter, dad." I said as a smile brought itself to his face.

"Why is he here?" He began walking down the hall.

"Snow blocked his only way of getting home so he'll be here for the night."

"Well then..." He stood there for a second. "How's it going son." He brought his hand up to Hunter's shoulder and walked into the guest room. I got a quick glance at Hunter's slightly overwhelmed face before I left to my room.

I closed the door behind me and walked to my closet where I picked out a black velvet shirt and black 'Divergent' shorts that said "Dauntless" on the butt in white letters. I got dressed then walked to the other side to retrieve my rubber ducky slippers. I grabbed my phone and texted Hunter what he wants for dinner then headed to the kitchen.

By the time I got down to the kitchen my phone dinged.

Hunter: pizza

One word reply... nice.

Shiloh: What kind?

Hello... is it me your looking for

My phone rang as began rinsing the dishes I'm going to use.


"Oh you want me downstairs... alright." He said before partially covering the phone and saying, "Shiloh needs my help downstairs" then hung up.

I shook my head and put my phone to the side before I grabbed all the things I needed.

"Wooooo!" Hunter yelled as he practically bounced down the stairs and into the kitchen. "What?" I just looked at him like he was crazy. To say I was surprised doesn't exactly describe it.

"N-nothing." I stifled a laugh as I turned around to make the crust. "What's your favorite pizza?"

"Any pizza with anchovies." He said sitting on the counter next to me.

"Really? That's gross." I continued cracking eggs into the mix as he shrugged.

"What's your favorite?"

"Hawaiian. Nothing could go wrong with a couple slices of ham and pineapple." My mouth watered. "What?" I looked over to him.

"Now that's gross."

"Yes, because you like dead fish on your pizza, mine is gross... right." I rolled my eyes and turned on the oven. "Can you grab the can of sliced pineapples from the cupboard. I think we have a can of dead fish in the back of the fridge."

"Anchovies." He corrected.

I rolled out the dough and slathered on some tomato sauce as Hunter placed the can of pineapples next to me and sauntered over to the fridge. I sprinkled on the cheese and put pepperoni on one side ham on the other. Just when I was about to place some pineapples on my side Hunter exclaimed, "found it" while holding a can of anchovies above his head and smiling like crazy.

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