Painful memories

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Flash back:

It was a crisp September night and all I could hear was screaming. Then it stopped ,I heard heavy footsteps then my door slammed open making me whimper I instantly clasped my hand over my mouth regretting the sound. Then he ripped me from under my bed by the hair ,I could feel the hot tears streaming down my face , "So you thought that you could hide from me you little bitch didn't you!" ,he screamed in my face before throwing my body across the room into my vintage dresser. My body aches in pain as I try to get up and that's when I felt the first blow ,my face first then my stomach and finally he dragged me out of my bedroom and threw me down the stairs. He left soon after my beating was done. My mother then rushed over to me lifting me up to see if I was okay ,but I abruptly pushed her away which stunned her . "How can you just let him do that to me and not even try to stop him and then come and try to act all motherly and loving",I said with tears streaming down my face and my body in so much pain that I barely could sit up ," I tried he pushed me into the counter and I hit my head , at least let me help you to your room" , she said about to burst into tears . "Okay mom " , I said we got to my room and she left and I grabbed my phone and called my boyfriend hoping for comfort when he answered the phone all I heard was moaning on the other end and without thinking I screamed "You motherfucker we are over I hate you!!!" and hung up before he could say anything. I sat in my bed crying for an hour then I just thought 'fuck it my life is pointless ' then I went into my bathroom and grabbed two good friends....... My razor blade and my heroin , first I shot up a couple of needles then I carefully moved my razor across my wrist remembering what my friend had told me "if you go across the river you go to the hospital, if you go down the river your gonna go to the mourge" she said then I looked down "SHIT!!" I whisper-screamed I got caught up in my thoughts and cut straight down my wrist and I got up and I went to my bathroom and wrapped my wrist I got really lightheaded then turned to walk out of the bathroom and slipped in my own blood. Before I could catch myself I hit my head off the counter the last thing I remember is my mom running into the bathroom and screaming the last ting I said before everything went black was "call 91..........." Silence....................

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