Bluestar: (wakes up) Hmm time for a poptart!!
Firepaw: Hey Graypaw, do you think Bluestar will notice we took her last poptart?
Graypaw: (talks while chewing on poptart) Hmm I don't know maybe, maybe not. (Silently thinks she'll notice)
Bluestar: (walks to mini fridge) (opens door) OH MY STARCLAN! MY POPTART IS GONE!
Bluestar: REDTAIL!!! Organize a search patrol, we are going to look for my LAST poptart that has gone missing!!!
Redtail: (is secretly in on the poptart prank) Bluestar... I can't lie to you.. I KNOW WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR POPTART!!! please don't hurt me!!!......
Bluestar: Hmm... I like that you can't lie to me Redtail. But you are still a member of my Clan so if you don't tell me what happened to my precious poptart I will make you go into Shadow Clan territory and get the worse done to you!!!
Redtail: Ok Ok... IT WAS FIREPAW AND GRAYPAW!!!! points toward them. -->
Bluestar: (walks over to the apprentices)
Firepaw: Um Graypaw? Bluestar is walking over here right now and she doesn't look very happy...
Graypaw: Considering she is our leader and can do anything to us I would run, but that might make things worse.
Bluestar: What do you have to save of yourselves??!!
Both: We're very sorry, but we saved you a piece, fair??
Bluestar: You saved me a piece!! Why didn't you say so!
Graypaw: That was a close one Firepaw, do you think she'll notice the (piece) is only a crumb?
Firepaw: Nawww... (thinks maybe)