Change your life- a janoskians fanfic

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Samantha: 17, brown hair brown eyes, short and pretty. (Samantha Boscarino)

Krista: 17, brown hair, blue eyes, average height and sporty

Ariana: 19, red hair, brown eyes, short, and fashionable.

Jai: 17, brown hair, hazel eyes(i dont even know if they are brown of hazel BC PHOTOS HAVE BOTH), short and loves sloths

Luke: 17, brown hair, hazel or brown eyes(like i said i dont even fucking know bc both), short, loves Justin Bieber

Beau: 19, brown hair, green eyes, short, loves anything.

James: 17, brown hair, brown eyes, FREAKING TALL, very nice.

Daniel(aka Skip): 18, brown hair, brown eyes, short, dope.

(ps everyone is in high school so enjoy pce out)

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