Scared fear

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"Romano could you cook dinner... Im tired" Spain said lazily "What? No hello? No how was your day? Besides whats got you so tired?" Nyo Romano said, snappy as usual. "I dont want to talk about it.." The Spaniard sighed. "Okay okay i get it... Did you and the British bastard get in another fight?" Romano said walking over to sit by him and rub his shoulders "Well kind of... He just made some threats nothing to worry about..." Antonio said, even though Englands threats had scared him in more ways than one.

The next day Spain woke up, made breakfast and then woke up the Italian. As the pair were eating their breakfast Spain decided to warn Romano about one of Englands threats. "Here take these... They may help in case of an emergency..." Spain said quietly as he slid a loaded desert eagle, a phone, and a 5" kitchen knife "Why will I need these?!" Valencia said in a slight panic, then she was the look of grief on Antonio's face she took the objects anyway hoping to never have to use them. "Im sorry love, its for your own safety..." And with that Spain kissed his wife on the cheek and left for work.

Through out the day Valencia decided to do something nice for her husband. She decide to make the house nice, get fresh flowers and make a nice dinner. During the middle if cooking she heard a crash of glass and a heavy, loud, thud, she quickly grabbed her phone and putting the knife in her belt she went to see what had caused the noise. She then saw a man on the ground with pieces of glass around him and soon realized it was England "What are doing here?" She asked quietly, thinking the man was unconscious she stepped closer to him. The Italian soon regretted going near the man, he immediately stabbed her legs with he sword and had a wolfish grin as Romano fell. "Lets see the bastard laugh at me now..." England said as he grabbed the women by her hair and dragged he to the basement, the blood from her wound leaving a crimson path, her screaming an eerie sound and kicking soft thud as in a failed attempt to escape. When he got down to the basement he threw the women at the nearest chair smashing it to bits. Valencia looked up, on the ground and stared in fear 'this man could kill me right now...' She thought fearfully, she then pulled out her knife, stood up and strengthened her grip watching Arthur carefully "You don't have the strength to hurt me now do you, poppet?" The man said watching her as she brought the knife up to his throat "I dare you... I dare you to kill a father of twins..." The brit whispered harshly, Valencia began to shake all over she couldn't cut his throat, she knew he had two kids, they probably needed him. She then dropped the knife without even thinking. A second later felt a hard sock across her face and she fell back and hit the wall . England continued to kick, cut, stab and punch until a nice puddle surrounded the Italian. "How about we talk to spain..." He then grabbed her phone grabbed her by her hair and had a firm grip on her curl.

After what seemed like forever there was a click and the Spaniards voice came through the phone "Hello! Whats up dear? Do you need something from the store?" Valencia almost smiled in relief when she heard his voice, then England pulled on her curl lightly and she cried in pain silently gasping. England then spoke holding her head up by her hair "hello... Antonio... Your wife and I had a little fight..." "England? What are you doing in my house?! What did you do to Valencia?!" England then pulled on the curl and Romano screamed in agony. "Valencia?! Whats wrong?!" England then replied "your wife is a bit feisty but i think i could fix that for you..." "Don't you dare touch her..." Antonio hissed aggressively. England then stabbed Valencia's arm and pulled her curl so hard you could hear skin ripping along the curl line. All Spain could hear was her screaming, coughs, sobbing and then a heavy thud and light foot falls "there you go... 'Buddy'" England said obviously a bit farther from the phone as he left the poor women in the basement.

Antonio left work the moment he got that call. When he did get home it took him 30 minutes to find his wife. When he did find her she was on the ground shaking and out cold. The Spaniard carried Valencia to the bedroom, got medical supplies, and a pair of warm pajamas. When she groaned in pain Spain felt a pang of guilt, soon washed away by concern "It'll be okay baby... Its alright..." He cooed as he took off her shirt and wrapped her wounds. He then put her pajama shirt over her head. She stirred slightly "S-Spain?" She stuttered staring as if she was seeing a ghost "yes?" Antonio said sitting on the side of the bed and letting her head rest on him "Im scared..." She whispered listening to his heart "Its okay now" Antonio said squeezing her hand. "I need time to think..." Valencia whispered a few minutes later. Spain then left the room, Romano changed her pants into her pajamas, tended to the wounds she could reach and fell asleep. "Valencia? Are you okay?" Spain asked the following morning.

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